Chapter 41. Besiege

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Thought that little thing above would he interesting!


Chapter 41. Besiege

Medics entered the cement room, a mobile cot under their arms. One medic told everyone to leave so she could inspect her wounds. "I'm surprised you're still awake, but you're in shock and are going to bleed out. We have to get you to the hospital right away," the medic ninja placed the blanket over her body slowly and gently so as to not disturb the chemical burn. She called for the other medics and, their lips thin, they placed her onto the cot while she groaned in agony at the contact.

Her team followed suit, and Kakashi stayed her side on the way to the hospital. Once they made it back, Tsunade Senju entered the operating room, her hands gloved with a gown draped over her body. The busty blonde stepped over to stand above the girl's head, looking down at her eyes, they were filled with what looked to be immense discomfort.

"You're going to have some scars, this chemical burn is going to be a bitch to heal. Are you prepared for scars?" Her stoic face contradicted the soft expression in her eyes.

The girl nodded, wanting this all to be over with. Tsunade patted her head lightly before stepping down to her most affected areas: her leg and torso. Performing hand signs, she pressed her hands over the long gash along her leg, stopping the bleeding. Throughout all of her healing, the woman never once noticed the tears streaking down Yuzuki's skin.

All that was left of the day and a half she had been held captive was the memories and the chemical burn scar reaching from the point in her jaw where the tip of the ear lobe started and the joint met, then ran down to just under the collar of her shirt. It was quite noticeable, but there was nothing that could be done. After a few minutes alone to herself, the door slid open and she spotted a familiar head of silver hair. He blew out a breath, before walking over to her and pulling her into the hug he did not have a chance at giving her.

The girl wrapped her arms around him in return, relishing in his warmth; his safety. Kakashi was not the kind of man to show affection, but for his daughter, he would. "I'm sorry I've been distant lately. I should have been around."

"It's not your fault."

"It is. I kept taking on missions voluntarily," his confession baffled her.


"After all that happened in the Shadow Village--seeing Yuki in that state-- and you. You had to kill your own cousin. I failed you. I was supposed to protect you from things like that."

"You haven't failed me. Please don't feel like a failure because of me," she pleaded. Her father was no failure. "I don't want you to think that you should keep what you're feeling hidden away from me. I'm your daughter."

She didn't understand. He needed to show a brave face for her.

"Get some sleep," the man ruffled her hair before turning on his heels, his one eye lingering on the scar along her neck. His heart fell, and he shook his head. When would he finally do something right?"


Hours later Sakura came by, her hands held a small bouquet of flowers. They were yellow chrysanthemums and she said they were almost the color of her eyes. "Thank you, Sakura," she smiled. It didn't reach her eyes. The pinkette frowned, after what happened on that mission, and now this happens.

When was she going to find peace? She wondered. It wasn't like she was bad person, so why punish her? Sakura had no idea. Her friend was hurting. "Yuzu-- I know that I've never necessarily displayed any liking to you, but you can come to me anytime. I'll be here."

Yuzuki knew she would.

Then Naruto climbed in through the window. "There's a thing, and it's called a door, Naruto," she gave him a small smile. The boy gave her a wide her grin in return. His cerulean eyes nearly squeezed closed from the width of the grin.

"I don't hafta' use those!"

"I didn't say you had to, it was a suggestion."

"Do you think you're going to be able to be up and running for a mission the team is going on tomorrow?"

"I don't think so, Naruto." She shook her head, her eyes on the wall opposite of her. The boy frowned.

"You've been through a lot worse!"

Indeed she had been, but this was different. It was worse than those times she was injured in combat. She had been able to defend herself, and run if the need ever became apparent. But this. This was worse in so many ways. She was naked. It was humiliating and terrifying. She had no idea what was happening. Then they tortured her and she couldn't even move at all. She was held down. It felt as if she had lost her freedom. The shock by this time had drifted away, but the memories were there, and there they would remain.

It would be hard to forget. And she wasn't sure if she could recover mentally that quickly.

"I'll try, but I won't make any promises."


Sometime before visiting hours had ended, she had heard the swift footsteps of a light-weighted person venturing down the hallway and stop at her door. Several moments passed and she could see the person's hand hovering over the handle that would allow them to open the door. Finally, they opened the door. In came the ravenette she hadn't seen since her rescue. His eyes didn't meet hers and he didn't speak. She wasn't sure she'd know what to say if he did speak to her.

There was a silence hanging in the air, and a chilled breeze wafted into the room. The girl shivered slightly and the boy walked over to the window, shutting it, putting the latch in its place."Thanks," she said quietly, not meeting his eyes. Tension in the air, they remained silent. Then Sasuke did something unexpected, he walked up to her, and hugged her. His arms held her tightly and her face was pressed into his chest. The moment was nice until she couldn't breath. There was a light 'tap tap tap' on his side and he pulled away.

Gasping, she pressed a hand to her chest. "Careful there, you might finish what my kidnappers job."

Sasuke frowned and she gave him an amused smile. "Sorry, bad joke," she looked down at her hands, fiddling with one of the edges of the bandages on her arms.

Sasuke looked down at the floor, he didn't know what to say--where to start. There were several things he wanted to say, all of them apologies.

Yuzuki peered up at him, her lips tugging down into a frown, "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing," he spoke. The girl shook her head, punching him on the arm, causing him to have to stop himself from falling over.

"Learn to share your feelings."

"I'm sorry," she didn't know what it meant at the time but she nodded and patted the spot on the bed beside her, "Sit down."

The Uchiha hesitated, then he sat on the white sheets, his weight causing a dip to form in the mattress. "You know, if you opened up to me I'd be able to help you," she stated, her eyes across the room.

He nodded microscopically, knowing that she wanted to help him with all her will. But he couldn't open up to her--not yet.

Meh meh. But it was a double update. And with school I won't be updating as often. But I'll try to update as often as I can.

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! There's only eight chapters left and I'll have finished my first fan-fiction! And obviously there will he a sequel. By the way, who do you think Yuzuki should end up with? I have an idea but anything could change since we're still in the first story. So comment who you think she should end up with!

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