Chapter 21. Killer

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I'm just gonna keep showing you guys heart wrenching pictures ;)

Have fun reading;)

Hope you like  this chapter!

Naruto POV

Yuzu- chan took her place ten feet from her opponent. What was she going to do in this state? She could barely keep herself upright, let alone fight. If Sasuke liked her so much, why would he let her do this?

I glanced at Sasuke who stood next to me, his face was stoic, it held no emotion. How could he be like this?

Hayate signaled to the two genin on the ground to start fighting. The blue haired girl had a grin on her face as she launched at my silver headed teammate. "Yuzuki, move!" I yelled at her as she just stood there. The mist ninja landed a hard punch to her face, causing Yuzu-chan to fly backward and hit the wall, the girl pinning her by her throat. "You're as pathetic and weak as you were when you left us."

"Really?" Yuzu- chan breathed as she placed a hand on the mist ninja's wrist, "I'd say I've been fairing well. But what about your mother?" I was as confused as everyone else in the room as the mist ninja let out a snarl as Yuzuki threw the girl back.

"What's going on?" Sakura asked beside me as the girls on the ground launched at each other. Metal clashed against metal as they went at each others throats. I wasn't sure how long my teammate would last as she was pinned to the ground by the mist ninja, her knee on her chest and the kunai at her throat.

"You're a monster. You killed her." The tip of the kunai pierced her skin. "Your mother, and every other person in that village, were the monsters."

"You're wrong, you Bitch!" My hands clenched the metal railing, where does she get off calling Yuzu-chan that?!

Yuzuki grabbed the girl by the throat and pushed her away, her hands performing quick, fluid hand signs. "Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu!"

"What is she doing? Water is no where to be seen!" Sakura gasped as water enveloped Yuzu-chan's opponent. The girl inside the sphere of water began to choke for air, Yuzuki was panting as she kept the jutsu going. "She's going to run out of water before the fight is even over." Kakashi stepped up next to me.

"She's your daughter, you didn't even think to stop her from doing this?!" I glanced up our sensei and he said, "She can do what she wants. It was her choice and no one else's."

I growled and looked back down to the fight. Lightning flashed inside of the sphere and the girl inside screamed in agony. "This is what it felt like when your mother helped those villagers beat me. Don't think for a second that I killed those villagers for no reason. I never meant to cause anyone harm when I did that. But I couldn't control it. And I'm sorry." Yuzuki dropped the jutsu and the girl fell to the ground, her limbs shaking.

She killed people? My eyes widened slightly, but she was no monster, the girl I knew now was no monster.

"I'll never forgive you, no matter how many times you say sorry. It won't bring my mom back." The girl slammed a kunai into Yuzuki's abdomen and the girl let out an agonizing scream. "Yuzuki!"

She dropped to one knee, her hand covering the wound as blood spilled to the floor. Grabbing her by the collar of her shirt, the mist ninja slammed her back into the wall, the force causing her head to snap back and hit the concrete.

"Get away from me!" The voice was not hers as she pushed the girl away, her blue hair flew around her head as she slammed into the floor and skidded back a few feet until she finally came to a stop. A blue color enveloped the silver-headed ninja's hand and it kept growing until it was a deep, deep blue and burns coated her hand as she launched into the air.

The girl on the ground jumped on the the statue and the sensei on the ground jumped onto the balcony as her hand slammed into the floor and debris flew everywhere as the ground shifted and cracked until it was no longer a floor. I glanced around at everyone's shocked faces.

"Don't you think I want my mom back! You all knew she was in danger when you heard our pleas for help. But you never came until she was dead!" Tears streamed down her face as she stared up at the shocked ninja.

"You were allies with my village, too! But you all sat back and let my clan be slaughtered! For what? Why?!" Her beautiful silver hair began to turn black.

"You were afraid of us. The secret weapon. You were a cowards!" The last of her silver hair was enveloped in black, her hair resembling a water fall. Only it was an evil beauty as it flowed down her back. Her body shaking in fear, the girl jumped down from the statue.

"Why isn't anyone doing anything?" I muttered, glancing at the Jonin standing around the room.

Yuzuki launched herself at the girl, her movements barely visible as she swung at the girl. She flew back with a loud crack. Her arms shook as she got up, her knees almost buckling beneath the pressure in the room.

"P-pl-please, I don't want t-to die." The girl wept, making eyes contact with Yuzuki.

"You should have thought of that before you decided to place all your blame on me." She shot forward, stopping just before and holding a kunai to the blue haired girls chest.

Don't kill this girl. I thought to myself, until her eyes flashed gold and the girl fell to the ground, unmoving.

The darkness on her skin retreated back inside her, but... her hair never changed back to its beautiful silver.

Everyone gasped as Yuzuki dropped her kunai and her knees buckled. In a flash, Sasuke was down they to catch her before she fell back, and he let her down gently.

"Winner of the first match is Yuzuki Hatake."

Medic Ninja rushed over to the blue haired girl. "She's alive and stable." One of them said.

Then three others ran over to Yuzuki, their faces grave. "Her pulse is faint." One of them gasped.

"What? What is it?" Kakashi jumped down to them. I couldn't hear most of their conversation. Until one of them said something that made tears spring to Sakura's eyes and a gasp come from my mouth.

"Her chakra level is at zero. She won't live long unless we get her to the hospital." They placed her on a transportation cot and rushed out of the room, the blue haired girl following right behind.

Sasuke stood there, his fists clenched but a stoic expression on his face.

"That was intense." I heard Ino whisper to Shikamaru and Choji. "Do you know if she'll be alright?" Sakura asked Kakashi as he walked slowly over to us. He just shook his head, his eyes down at his feet.

"Sasuke Uchiha, and Yoroi Akadō." Hayate called out. Sasuke stayed on floor whilst a man wearing a mask jumped down in front of him.

Hayate raised his hand and sliced the air in front of him, signaling them to start the match.

I hope Yuzu-chan is alright.

That was good enough right?



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