Chapter 40. Extract

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Chapter 40. Extract

Sometime during her stay in the cell, a medic nin came to heal her wounds-- improperly. She would have healed herself, but the torture drained her of most of her energy. During her time alone, she thought of why Danzo would stop torturing her. Was it because he had found what he was looking for? Or was it because he was dissatisfied by the results of the torture session?

She found herself crawling over to the corner of the cell, curling her knees to her chest and resting her head on them. Pulling the blanket around her naked body, she held onto it so tightly her knuckles must have been turning white. Fear plagued her.

She had never been this scared before. While she may have felt fear before, it had never been this intense. Her whole body quaked, her limbs going numb. Nearly jumping out of her skin, she looked over at the guard who banged on the metal bars. Keys jingled as they placed the key in the lock and turned it, a small click sounding. The door creaked open and she knew this was her best bet. She waited until the guard came closer, calming the blood coursing through her veins-- she struck with body crippling force. The guard groaned as he fell to the ground, his hands on his stomach. Blood gurgled in the back of his throat. Bolting up, she slammed her fist with as much force as she could muster into his jaw, sending him sprawling to the floor.

She stepped over her him, making sure the blanket was still wrapped around her shoulders, and escaped the cell. Looking both ways down the hallway, she spotted a dim light on the end and followed her gut instinct. She found the desk and then looked around for the key that would unlock the door that would lead her to her freedom. Then something slammed into her back and she lurched forward into the desk, the breath being knocked from her lungs. She whirled around, facing the other guard that came by before.

The ANBU Root member swung their Chisa Katana, and Yuzuki rolled back over the desk, the blanket falling to the ground. Immediately, she felt like she had been stripped of her dignity. Pushing through, she held up her fists. But that small moment of indignity cost her, her freedom.

A blade pressed against her throat, and she was led back to the torture room, where she was strapped to the table once again. She did not bother struggling. The sound of footsteps and a cane clicking against the stone floor as he approached the table. His wrinkled and scarred face held an expression of indifference. But his eyes. His eyes held an expression of distaste and an intense animosity as they beheld her.

He waved his hand towards the entrance of the room and a person, small in height, entered, wheeling a cart of torture tools and liquids that would cause her pain. The young ANBU Root bowed to the man and left. It was a shame they were taught to he so detached from the world at such a young age.

The man ran his hand along her abdomen, then pressed down in her lower belly. "How do I get the seal to appear?" he murmured, picking up one of his silver blades. Pressing it against the skin of her calve, he pierced her skin. Blood seeped down her skin as he ran the blade up her leg, slicing her open. Teeth gritted, she groaned. Then came the acid. This time, it was an even stronger formula, it seemed. The aroma seemed to make her eyes water, and her nostrils seared with the tang of chemical.

He poured it across her torso, around her neck, down both legs. The girl screamed as her skin blistered and became raw. This was a severe chemical burn. She wasn't sure she could get rid of the memories if she were saved. They would forever be embedded in her skin. It was bad enough the wounds and chemical burn from yesterday were improperly healed, she was sure she was getting an infection. If the heat spreading across her skin was any indication.

Danzō smirked, eyeing her stomach. She glanced down through squinted eyes to see black markings appear on her stomach. His eyes glinted with malice as she narrowed her eyes at him. He stabbed a hooked blade into her arm. Then he formed a hand sign. The floor glowed a deep blue color, and that was when she noticed the seals marking the floor. Her seal glowed the same color, a strange sensation flowing through her.

The old man had one final thing to do. "Did it make you furious when you found out your own cousin hired Orochimaru to kill your clan?"

"What?" She hissed, narrowing her eyes at him.

"You must have felt relieved when you killed her by your own hand," he began to pace around the table, stopping at her head to look down at her.

If he's going to play that game. The girl bared her teeth at him, "Don't talk about my clan."

"It seems you have yet to accept that fact. She betrayed your family. Yet you are still too weak to be able to kill without a seconds thought. Shinobi like you don't belong."

"What exactly does that mean?"

"You're weak."

Her chakra flared, including a foreign chakra inside her body. The seal on her stomach glowed a blue color and the man smirked. As she continued to let anger course through her, chakra swirled around her and the man narrowed his eyes.

If they're looking for me, at least they will sense my chakra. Danzō slowly began to realize her plan and he growled, his eyes narrowed, "I will get your beasts one day."

He fled.

Minutes later, several Leaf Ninja entered the room, kunai drawn to protect themselves from an attack. "Go check the other halls," a man she recognized told several other Jōnin. He placed his kunai back in his weapons holster, shifting the senbon in between his lips. "It seems Hatake's like to get themselves into trouble," he muttered. Then he finally took in her state and called another man inside. He had the eyes and hair of a Yamanaka clan member.

Genma spoke a few words to him and he formed a hand sign before speaking, "We found her. She's in need of skilled medics, and fast."

The Yamanaka nodded at Genma before exiting the room. The Tokubetsu Jōnin approached her slowly, getting a closer look at what her kidnappers did to her. His eyes trailed over the chemical burn, and the large gash in her leg. Blood dripped onto the floor, and a silver blade was pierced through her arm. Nimbly, his fingers worked at the restraints binding her to the table. After releasing her, she curled into fetal position. He was surprised she was still conscious.

Usually someone would have passed out from torture like this. Then he spotted the markings on the white stone and the markings fading away from her abdomen. She had something sealed inside her-- that's what the kidnappers were after.

Her body shook violently, which led him to find a blanket and drape it over her nude body. As the fabric made contact with her skin, she hissed, her teeth gritting until the blanket settled. This was not right. A kid shouldn't have to go through this kind of thing. How humiliated she must have felt, being displayed for all to see like that.

He shook his head, clenching his jaw before hearing the slamming of doors. His head jerked up, a brow raised, "Huh?"

Then the final door slammed open and in came her team, and even her father. "Yuzuki!" He ran over to her, attempting to wrap his arms around her when she cried out. The blanket was the only thing between between her skin and his. Anything that touched her skin would cause a stinging and burning sensation so immense. Her whole body was in pain, even the unaffected areas.

The Hatake immediately stopped in his attempt to hold his daughter close and instead placed a hand on her head, running his gloved hand over her hair softly. The girl was shaking violently and he whispered, "Everything will be okay--you're okay. You're safe."

He was wrong. With the beasts inside her, she would never be safe.

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