Chapter 17. Written Test. We're screwed... [Edited]

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Yuzuki POV

I grimaced at the thought of having the head of the Interrogation Force being the proctor of our first exam. What does he plan to do to us? I thought, grabbing a number and sitting where the matching number was placed. I sat on the left side of the classroom, on the right side of that Gaara boy. He sent me a sideways glance, something unreadable flashing through his eyes.

When I sat next to him, there was... something about him. It was dark, dangerous, and I knew that he was dangerous.

But so was I.

Deciding to ignore it for the time being, I focused on the slip of paper that was handed to me, along with the other ninja. "We will now start the first test in the Chunin Exams." Ibiki's voice boomed, his steely eyes scanning and sizing up all of the Genin in the room.

Each one of the questions was nearly impossible; math definitely wasn't my strong point. "Do not turn over your papers just yet. Listen closely to what I'm about to say." The scarred man instructed, writing words that were too far away for me to see.

Squinting my eyes, I scanned the board. Then a grain of sand flew into my peripheral vision, making me glance to the side. Sand was scurrying over my hand, my eyes widening slightly. Just then, the sand retreated back into the red-head's Gourd, the cap closing over the opening.

He didn't say anything.

Shaking my head, I focused on what Ibiki was saying, "There are many important rules to this test. They're on the board, but I am going to say them for those of you who can't see it. Questions will not be allowed."

I frowned, This man is impossible. "The first rule; you'll all start off with ten points..." There were so many complicated questions, each one made me mentally face palm. Then, at the end, I banged my head on the desk. With Naruto on my team, we were never going to make unless there was some type of miracle.

"Realize that the pathetic ones who get caught cheating, will be destroying themselves. As Shinobi trying to reach the level of Chunin, be proud." I thought that he was done, but, to my dismay, he continued. "And the final rule..." A malicious, taunting smirk graced his scarred lips, " Those that lose all their initial points during the test, and those that don't answer any questions correctly...

I know what he wants us to do! Cheat. That's the answer. The ones that 'get caught cheating'.  We have to cheat.

"Will be failed along with their two teammates." He said with a beastly look in his eyes; it would lead us to disaster in these exams. I hit my head on the desk, "Why, why, why, why, why?" I groaned. "Hey, red head." I whispered, he glanced at me with his turquoise eyes. "What do you want?"

"Can you write something in sand for me real quick? Ya know, send it to that blonde dummy over there." I pointed to Naruto, sweat was dripping down the side of his face. "No." I frowned, "Why?" He moved his eyes back to the front of the room, "I don't do things for anyone."

"C'mon. Pretty please." I begged, jutting out my lower lip. "If you stop annoying me, I will."

"Okay. Have it say, 'You better cheat well or, when this exam is over, I will drag you down to the depths of hell and burn you at the stake." I smiled sweetly, watching as the message was sent discreetly to the cerulean eyed boy. He jumped in his seat, even more sweat dropping down his face. "Thanks." There was no answer. Sighing, I stared back at my paper.

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