Chapter 15. Birthday [Edited]

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Sorry if there are any typos.

Third POV

"Ow, Sasuke. That hurts." The Hatake hissed, slapping his hand away from the wound on her back.

"Sorry, I can't help it." He tried to clean her wound and the girl winced. "I can just leave it open and let you bleed out." Setting down the cloth, he turned towards the exit when she grabbed his hand.

His body went rigid and the Hatake realized what she had done and let go instantaneously. "Keep going, I'll deal."

He turned back to her and finished cleaning the wound and patched it closed. "Why couldn't you heal it yourself?" He asked curiously, shoving his hands back in his pockets and looking at her as she replied.

"I can't reach my back, and it takes too much energy to heal it without my hands." She explained, standing up. She was no sanin level medic ninja that could heal without her hands. That slug queen only taught her the basics.

"Now what to do about my shirt..." The girl mumbled, not noticing that the boy had left the room already.

Minutes later, he came back with one of his shirts in his hand. It was neatly folded, with the Uchiha symbol on the top fold, for anyone to see.

"Here." He tossed her the shirt and she caught swiftly, staring at the symbol on the back of the shirt.

"Are you sure?" She asked, unfolding it and holding it up in front of her. "What else are you gonna wear? The others were torn, too." He shuffled out of the room, the door closing lightly behind him.

Shrugging, the girl slowly lifter her current shirt over her head, making sure not to disturb the wound on her back. She let the shirt fall to floor and slipped Sasuke's on, his usually faint sent coming to her in full blast.

He smelled... nice.


It was a long walk home, with the sun beating down on the Team and their Sensei, the fact that Yuzuki had run out of water within the first hour of the trip made it even worse.

The others had to deal with her whining the whole time until-finally- Kakashi tossed her a bottle so she would shut up.

When they got back to the village, Kakashi left the team standing in the middle of the path.

"Um... I'm going to get ramen!" Naruto announced running off in one direction, while Yuzuki took off into another direction. Sasuke followed, leaving Sakura standing alone in the middle of the road.


"Sasuke, why are you following me?" Yuzuki asked her stalker; they were just arriving at the Hatake compound.

"Sakura." Was all he said and the Hatake nodded, understanding perfectly. Sasuke stood outside the entrance to the compound as the girl walked inside to put her things away.

Then they were off. Sasuke had no idea where his teammate was going, but he followed anyways.


Yuzuki knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. There was nothing, so she went to knock again when it opened and a familiar boy stepped out, a puppy set atop his head.

Ruination (Naruto Fanfiction) [Kakashi's Daughter]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن