Chapter 7. Threat Eradicated. [Edited]

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Edited   28/ 5/ 2016

It was the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep. The day was so exhausting and yet I couldn't stop the thoughts invading my mind.

I tried over and over again. But it was to avail.

I kept wondering who they were. Dad's teammates- former teammates. I kept wondering what had happened to them, how they died.

His words echoed in my mind. Those who break the rules are trash. But those who abandon their friends are even worse than trash.

I swung my legs over the edge of the small twin bed and sat up, my toes barely grazing the cold floor.

My bed was tucked on the wall opposite the door. The moon shone through the glass panel on the wall at the foot of my bed, illuminating the room to a soft silvery color.

I sucked in a breath as I threw on a sweatshirt and opened the window and clambered through it.

Otaru was curled up in a ball under the window. His body rose and fell with each breath.

I was going to let him sleep, but then I remembered all the help he gave during that fight.

I jabbed him in the side with my finger. He jumped up; startled. His head whipped around in all directions until his dark eyes landed on me.

He sighed and slumped back down on the ground. His little head nestled onto his paws. "That was rude."

"Not as rude as you saying you were going to help but then disappeared before the fight even started."


The edges of my lips twitched and I got up off the ground and walked down the dirt path.

I had no idea where I was going, but I just had to get my mind off some things.

When I made it to the end of the path, I saw the lights in the Hokage tower on and I ventured curiously to the building. There was no one stationed at the front, so I mounted the steps.

Even before I knocked on the door, he said, "Come in."

I opened the door and saw the old man sitting there at his desk going over some papers.

"Hello, Hokage-sama." I bowed respectfully, my stiff neck shouting out in pain. "I thought I said to call me Hiruzen." He stated.

"Yes, but-" His throaty laugh cut me off. "Call me Hiruzen. That's an order." He pointed his pen at me.

"Okay, Hiruzen." The name tasted foreign as it rolled off my tongue. "Sama." I couldn't help but add. The corners of his lips twitch downwards.

But he shrugged it off. "I was going to call you in, but you came to me." I frowned slightly, my eye brows furrowed. "Why?"

"I have a mission for you. And it's a solo mission."

"Why go solo when I can go with a team?" I asked confused. "This mission is especially for your abilities. Here's the mission file. I expect you to leave the village at dawn." He said, waving me off.

Slowly, I walked out of the office.

The mission was to eliminate a group of men on the outskirts of some village on the border of the Land of Fire.

It was a small group of men, bandits, at best. Each one was tall and old in their appearance. They didn't look like much. But you never underestimate your opponents, I learned that the hard way.

"This the plan-" And I went on, not noticing that Otaru was in a daze. Not noticing that my cover had been blown.

"Oi, Otaru!" I hissed, snapping my fingers in front of his face. He fell limp, his breathing steady.

"He's not going to wake up anytime soon." A gruff voice spoke from the other side of the bushes.

Third POV

A man launched himself from the bushes as Yuzuki launched herself to her feet. She yanked the kunai out of his hand, holding his other arm with her free hand.

She guttural noise sounded from her throat; she stabbed the man in the neck, letting him fall to the ground. His blood seeped into the dark soil, staining it red.

Not soon after, other men came. And one after another she killed that. It didn't take long for her to start getting tired.

After her final kill, she wiped the blood off of her hands in the grass.

Yuzuki walked over to Otaru, a tired look on her face and sadness in her eyes. "We're going to get you some help."

And she started down the road. Leaving the men's bodies behind.

Not long after, the ANBU Black Ops showed up, cleaning up the death she had left behind.

First POV

The men had all been eradicated. Gone from this world forever.

I told myself that they did not belong. They were horrible men and they had deserved it. They were better gone. I looked down at the little dog in my arms.

But that was a lie. And I knew it.

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