My Niece

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Layla's POV:

"Renesmee, your niece," Bella explained.

My eyes widened in shock. I knew that was how it worked, but it wasn't the first thing on my mind. I was well aware of Edward and Bella's baby daughter, Renesmee. But, the thought of her being my niece brought me joy to my heart. Ever since I was a little girl, I had dreamt of having a family of my own. I have always wanted to be an aunt, but since my brother died and I became a vampire, those dreams were forgotten. But, now that I have a new family, those dreams have come back and they have become a reality.

I nodded my head to Bella. I followed her out of the room, as she led me down the hall to another room. We walked in and I saw Edward holding a baby girl in his arms. I stopped in the doorway, while Bella walked over to her husband's side and took the baby in her arms. Renesmee turned her head toward me. I locked my eyes with her. She was the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen. Her brown hair was the perfect color, and her eyes were so pure and full of life.

"Renesmee, this is your aunt," Bella said aloud.

I remained standing in the doorway. I did not move a muscle. How could I? So Bella took Renesmee over to me, placing Renesmee in my arms. I held the small child in my arms, as Edward and Bella left the room. I didn't know what to do with Renesmee. But, I looked down at her and smiled. I slowly walked over to the rocking chair and took a seat.

With Renesmee in my arms, I rocked the chair back and forth. I saw Renesmee slowly falling asleep. It was a feeling that I would never forget. I had wanted this so much, and now that I had it I didn't want it to end.

Seth's POV:

I walked into the Cullen house with Jacob. We went up to the second level of the house, where we met up with Edward and Bella. Jacob began talking to the two new parents of Renesmee. I remained with them for a little bit, before I heard a faint hum, coming from a room. I walked over to the bedroom doorway, where I saw Layla holding Renesmee.

It was a lovely sight. Seeing Layla holding the infant in her arms, was a sweet moment. I smiled, as I leaned against the doorway and watched the two of them from a distance.

"She's good with children, is she not?" Bella interrupted.

I cleared my throat and said, "Yeah, she sure is."

"I know about the two of you, Seth." Bella continued. "She likes you and you like her. Don't hide your feelings for each other, fore it can only bring trouble."

"Thanks for the advice."

"Of course. But just know, that if you do anything to hurt her, I'll come after you." Bella warned.

"Good to know," I replied with a smile.

Bella walked off and rejoined Jacob and Edward, while I remained standing in the doorway.

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