Planning Our Future

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Layla's POV:

The conflict between us and the Volturi was settled for now. All of us were happy to live our lives in peace once again. Many of our new friends, said their goodbyes to us, as they returned to their normal lives. I must admit that it was sad to see them go, but it was also pleasing because I knew that they weren't in danger.

Bella, Edward, Renesmee, and Jacob were grouped together when I walked past them. It brought a smile on my face. But, they did stop me before I could leave. I had no choice but to stop and turn around.

Renesmee ran over to me, so I squatted down and picked her up off the ground with my arms. Then, Bella started walking over toward us.

"Are you leaving?" Renesmee asked.

"Yeah, are you?" Bella chimed in.

My eyes went back and forth between the two of them. It wasn't long before a smile escaped on my face. Regardless of my efforts to hide it.

"What is that smile for?" Bella added.

"I am not leaving." I started.

"Really!" Renesmee exclaimed.

"Yes!" I continued. "I will be around here for a while. At least until Seth graduates from high school."

"What do you have planned after his graduation?" Bella chuckled.

"Well nothing is for sure, but we were talking about going back to my brother's pack and having Seth taking the position of being alpha."

"I like that, it sounds lovely." Bella complimented.

I set Renesmee on the ground. She ran back to Edward, leaving Bella and me alone. Bella gave me a hug and said, "Thank you so much, Layla. Not only as a family member but as a friend."

"Of course Bella," I replied, as we separated from our hug. "Now go live your life."

I smiled at Bella, then I turned around and started to walk away. I saw Seth waiting for me in the distance. I past by the other members of my Cullen family, giving them a smile as I passed. Once I was past everyone, I ran over to Seth. 

He picked me up off the ground and spun me around before he set me back on the ground. I put my arms around his neck before I kissed him on the lips.

"What was that for?" Seth asked.

"No occasion, except for the fact that I love you," I responded.

Seth took my hand and both of us began to walk through the forest, away from the Cullen property. I held his hand tight as we walked. I wanted to cherish this moment forever.

"So, what do you have planned for the next three years?" Seth asked.

"Well, I thought I would go back to work, while you go to school."

"That sounds wonderful."


"Yeah! Besides, I've always wanted to date a sexy nurse." Seth chuckled.

I nudged Seth when he said that. I found that to be hysterical.

"Oh, Seth," I mumbled.


"Nothing, you are just so funny. That is one of the many things I love about you."

I kissed Seth on the cheek.

"I love you too," he whispered.

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