What is Their Future?

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Layla's POV: 

As I sat on top of my bed, with Charlize and Landon in my arms, I couldn't stop thinking about what was threatening their future. Each day that went by became more and more unbearable. As a mom, you want nothing more than for your kids to have the greatest lives possible, but with the Volturi threatening that, I became filled with sadness and anger.

It was late at night when Seth finally came home. He entered our bedroom and the sight he saw of Charlize, Landon, and I brought a smile to his face. He walked over and greeted me with a quick kiss on the lips, then he took Landon in his arms before he climbed on top of the bed to join me.

"You're home late." I began. "Is everything alright?"

"Sorry about that, the tribe had some training that ran late and I had to make sure our borders were secured," Seth explained.

Seth looked at Landon and kissed the side of his cheek, which brought a huge smile onto Landon's face. Seth doesn't notice how much Landon is like him, but I see it. It wasn't long before he took Charlize, so she could join in her brother's fun with their father. The sight was so precious that if I was human, I would begin to cry.

Seth looked over at me and asked, "Are you alright."

I didn't know how to respond. I wasn't alright, but I couldn't lie to Seth because he could read me like a manual.

"What are we going to do, Seth?"

Seth lowered his head once he knew what I was talking about. He grabbed the twins and carried them out of the bedroom, and into each of their nursery's. It wasn't long before he came back and climbed onto the bed to join me again.

"The Volturi threatens their very lives!" I argued.

"I know, I know." Seth continued. "It's hard to tell what will happen but I think it's time that you start initiating a backup plan."

"What do you mean?"

"Bella was prepared to send Renesmee off. Perhaps it's time you come up with a similar plan." Seth encouraged.

I knew he was right. I nodded my head, as Seth pulled me into his chest for comfort. He stroked the side of my arm and held me tight. This situation wasn't ideal for both of us, or the twins for that matter. Just the thought of separating from them brought heartache.

"Any word on the family?" Seth asked.

"Yeah, they are spread out around the world right now, finding friends and other vampires to help us," I answered.

"I guess that's a bright side, don't cha think?"

"I suppose," I whispered.

"Don't give up just yet, Layla. The Volturi isn't here yet. We've got time." Seth brought to my attention.

I pulled myself up and kissed Seth on the lips. I sat on top of Seth and our lips started moving in sync with each other.


(In Italy)

Aro's POV:

I sat on my throne as I waited for news. News that I was desperate for. I have patiently been waiting, but as more time past, I became impatient for the news. I heard clicks that could only have been made from the heels of shoes coming in contact with the tiled floor. It wasn't long before Demetri appeared out of the corner. I immediately stood up and said, "What is the news?"

"No sign of Layla anywhere," Demetri reported.

I slowly sat back down in my seat. I was consumed with rage and anger.

"How dare she betray me?" I questioned. "Well, my brothers, it would appear that we have to get our hands dirty once again. Layla has broken our deal, so in return, I want the ashes of her children and husband."

A wide grin appeared on Caius's face.

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