A New Mystery

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Layla's POV: 

I found myself in Paris, France. Aro, Marcus, and Caius assigned me a "mission" but it was more of an assassination. I didn't want to go back to Italy yet, so I decided to pay a visit to the Eiffel tower. As I stood at the top of the tower, I looked out at the city fights. It's such a beautiful sight indeed.

"I knew we would find you here." a voice said from behind me.

I quickly looked over my shoulder and saw Alice and Bella.

My eyes widened, as I asked, "What are you two doing here?"

Alice ran over and gave me a quick hug. Then, Bella did the same.

"We came because Alice has had a vision," Bella replied.

"What was the vision?" I added.

Alice stepped forward and said, "My vision was about you, and your abilities. I saw that you were struggling."

I pulled myself up on the railing and sat down. I looked down at my hands. My abilities were becoming noticeable and now, I fear I can't hide them anymore.

"So, what is going on?" Bella asked.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. Recently, I've noticed my abilities getting stronger and varying." I explained.

"What do you mean by 'varying'?" Alice joined in.

"Not only can I control things with my mind or body, but now I can do it myself by producing certain things that I think about." I continued. "For instance, I thought of fire and it appeared our of my hands."

Alice and Bella exchanged looks.

"Layla, you need to come home with us," Bella advised.

"Yeah, maybe Carlisle knows whats going on," Alice suggested.

"I can't!" I snapped. "That breaks the deal between Aro and I. Seth, the twins, and my friends and family will be in danger!"

"Layla, we are family and family protects there own," Alice said. "We did it with Bella and Edward, we will be happy to do it for you too!"

I looked up at Bella and Alice. The two of them were so confident, something I lacked. I didn't know what to do. One part of me wanted to go back home and fight the Volturi, but my other side disagreed. It wanted to obey the Volturi so that violence could be avoided.

"I don't know if that will work this time." I admitted. "We would be facing all of the Volturi and whoever is loyal to them. This isn't like last time."

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