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Layla's POV:

I looked out the window and saw Seth laying down in the middle of our backyard. The kids were at Carlisle's because Esmee agreed to homeschool them since they grow too fast and would catch people's attention. Ever since Seth's transformation, he has been distant. He won't talk with me and he doesn't spend any time with the kids. I am beginning to worry. Have I really made the right decision?

Just then, Edward came into the room to drop off some things Bella sent over. 

"You doing alright?" Edward asked as he joined me by the window. "How is Seth doing?"

"He is very distant. He doesn't talk to me or the kids. He just sits out there, hours after hours. I'm beginning to think that I shouldn't have turned him." I sighed. 

"He'll get over it," Edward replied. "It's just gonna take some time."

"Will it? Thanks for being optimistic Edward, but I don't think Seth will ever get over this." I murmured as I walked out of the room. 

Seth's POV:

I was sitting in the field by myself as I looked out and stared at the same tree for endless hours. I heard someone walking up behind me and before I knew it I heard Edward yell, "Seth, get the hell up!"

I ignored him and didn't move. I had no interest in talking with him, let alone fighting with him.

"Seth, you better figure yourself out! Layla is worried about you and if you don't figure yourself out then your gonna lose her and your family. It may be the end of you life or it can be the start of a new one too." Edward shouted before walking away and leaving me with nothing but his words.

I remained in the field for several more hours before I stood up and walked into the house. Charlize and Landon were not in bed but in the family room watching TV.

"What are you two still doing up?" I asked. "It's bedtime."

I picked up both of them and turned off the TV before heading upstairs. I tucked Landon in first and then I went into Charlize's bedroom who was waiting for me to tuck her in for the night. I tucked the blanket under her.

"Daddy," Charlize began. "Are you feeling better?"

I smiled and replied, "I am squirt."

"Are you sure? Mommy is really worried about you." 

"I'm positive and don't you worry about mommy okay. Now get some sleep." I said before kissing her forehead and walking out of her bedroom.

I went down the hallway and stopped in front of the master bedroom door. I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it as I opened the door. Layla was laying on top of the bed when I walked in. She didn't look happy but she wasn't entirely angry either. I shut the door and said, "Layla, we need to talk."

"Like hell we do!" She snapped. "Do you have any idea what you have been putting me through? what you have been doing to our kids?"

"I know."

"I don't think you do! Figure this out, Seth!" Layla yelled.

"I have figured things out," I admitted.

"You have?"

"Yes," I replied. "I need to move on with my life because Charlize, Landon, and you are my future and for however long that is."

I walked over to my wife. I gently placed my hands on her legs so I could pull her down, that way she was completely laying down on the bed. I climbed over her and placed my lips on hers. I moved my hands down to her thighs as she wrapped her leg around my waist. Things were getting hot between us and they weren't going to stop. 


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