It's Over

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Layla's POV:

Aro placed his right hand on my forehead and his left hand on my jaw. He began pulling his hands in opposite directions. I saw my end coming but right before anything else could happen, Seth bit Aro in the back and pulled him off of me. Seth rolled around before he got to his feet, lowered his head, and began showing his teeth. 

I picked myself up from the ground. I looked across at Seth and then back to Aro. This needed to end and it needed to end now. 

"Aro, stop!" I demanded. "It's over!"

Aro looked around and saw that his Volturi members were either dead or they surrendered. We had won and the Voturi failed. Aro needs to stop! There is nothing left for him to do. My family, friends, and the other werewolves surrounded Aro, Seth, and I. 

By using my abilities, I forced Aro to sit down on his knees and then paralyzed him from the head down. Seth began to circle Aro with his teeth showing and saliva dripping from his mouth. I knew he wanted to end Aro so badly. 

"Seth, stand down." I insisted. 

Seth backed off and joined me by my side. 

"We are not the ones who should end Aro," I said, as I looked over at Bella. 

Bella was surprised and caught off guard. I could tell that she was surprised but I knew that Bella had every right to do it. Aro put her through so much, to begin with. She had every right to end it. 

"Bella," I called. 

Without hesitation, Edward grabbed a torch and handed it to Bella who then walked over to us and stood in front of Aro. She looked down at him with disgust on her face. She lowered the torch and touched Aro with the tip, causing him to burn up in flames. I kept him paralyzed as the flames consumed his body. I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy this but on the other hand, it didn't feel right. I never wanted to do this but I had no other option. For the first time in years, I was free. Free to be a wife, free to be a mother. I was relieved. 


Seth's POV:

Two weeks have gone by since the passing of Aro and the Volturi. Layla and I waited on the steps of our front porch for the arrival of Jacob and Renesmee. Bella, Edward, Carlisle, Esmee, Jasper, Alice, Rosaline, and Emmett were waiting with us. I was so anxious to see Landon and Charlize again but Layla was more eager than I was. Just then, a Volvo drives up the driveway and parked in front of the garage. Layla and I shot to our feet as we waited for the doors to open. Jacob and Renesmee both stepped out of the car. Layla ran over to Renesmee and hugged her. Jacob opened the back seat door and carried Landon out of the car and gently handed him to me. I couldn't believe that I was holding my baby boy again! Tears filled up in my eyes, as I tried to hold them back. I looked over at Layla, who gently took Charlize out of the car seat and held her in her arms. Our children were back in our arms once again.

I handed Rosaline Landon, while Esmee took Charlize. I greeted Jacob and thanked him and Renesmee for taking care of the twins. For once in a long time, I finally had my family together again! 

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