How is This Possible?

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Carlisle's POV:

I was reading a book in the company of my wife, Esmee. Emmett and Rosaline were even in attendance. It was a peaceful night out, so our evening was quite pleasant. Our doorbell unexpectedly rang, so I set my book down and went to answer the door. I walked down the stairs and before I opened the front door, I peered out of the front window. My eyes widened when I saw Seth and Layla outside the front door. What are they doing here?

I unlocked the door and pulled the front door open.

"Hi, Carlisle." Seth greeted. "Sorry to drop in like this, but we could really use your help."

"Come on in," I replied, as I invited my son-in-law and daughter into my house.

I shut the front door. I turned to Layla who remained quiet. She seemed uneasy and didn't bother to make eye contact with me. Something was definitely going on. I was sure of it.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Seth looked at Layla. He glared at her, as he tried to get her to speak. Seconds went by and Layla finally started to talk.

"Something is going on with my body." Layla began. "I've been more thirsty than usual and I can't seem to be holding my food down. Not only that, but there are times when I find myself to be nauseous."

Layla looked up at me. I could tell that she was worried. She didn't appear to be feeling well. Something was definitely wrong with her and they wanted me to help them. They wanted and needed answers. I thought about everything that Layla had told me about her symptoms. There was one thing that added up, but I couldn't be sure of it.

"Come with me to the study," I said, as Seth and Layla followed me up the stairs to my office. "Have a seat, Layla."

Layla took a seat in one of the chairs available, while Seth stood behind her. I rummaged through some of my things, looking for something, in particular, that could shed some light on the subject.

"I see you still haven't cleaned this room yet." Layla chuckled.

"Yeah well, it happens when you are a vampire with a family and a job."

I found what I had been looking for. I pulled out the digital ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system that was not big or small. It was a medium-sized machine. I carried it over to Layla and set it up next to her.

"Pull your shirt up from your abdomen," I instructed.

Layla held her shirt up with both of her hands. Seth's hand remained on her shoulder. I powered the machine and placed a dab of cold gel on Layla's stomach. I grabbed the transducer probe, placed it on top of the gel and began moving it around. For a minute, everything looked fine until I came upon two circles. I stopped moving the probe, so I could look at the screen. I thought I was reading this wrong, but it appeared that I wasn't. I took a screenshot and put everything back.

Layla put her shirt back down and said, "Is that what I think that is?"

I turned to Seth and her. "It appears that you are pregnant with twins!"

"What? Wow, wait for a second." Seth said. "You two are doctors so you have to explain this to me."

I pointed at the two circled on the screen. "These two dots here are eggs. Meaning that they appear to be two fetuses in the early stages of development."

Seth's eyes widened, as his mouth dropped. Layla was frozen to the bone. They were completely shocked.

"How is this possible, Carlisle?" Layla asked.

"I'm not sure. I didn't think that this could happen. Bella's case is a little more explanatory, just because she was mortal at the time, but you are a different story. My only guess is that because you still have blood in your tissues, it made this a possibility. But, I can't be sure even at that."

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