Secret, Bad News

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Seth's POV:

It was morning and I woke up next to Layla, who was still fast asleep. Her shirt rolled up over her belly, revealing her big belly. I raised my head up and saw that Layla was still fast asleep. I laid my head back down on my pillow, as I slowly and gently placed my hand on her belly. I closed my eyes and relax for a few moments before the doorbell rang.

My eyes immediately shot toward Layla. I was afraid the doorbell would wake her, but I saw that she was still asleep. I lifted my hand up from her belly and carefully got out of the bed, so I wouldn't wake her. I walked down the stairs in only my gym shorts.

I grabbed the doorknob and swung the door open. I was surprised to see Carlisle, Esmee, Edward, Bella, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosaline, and Jacob. What are they all doing here?

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Can we come in, Seth?"

"Oh yes of course," I said, as I took a step to the side so that everyone could come in.

We all gathered in the living room, where we all took a seat on the couches. I was very curious as to what is going on.

"We didn't wake Layla did we?" Rosaline asked.

"No, you didn't." I continued. "She's been so tired that she has slept for 24 hours now."

"Good." Bella blurted out.

"So what is this all about? Why are you all here?"

I saw Esmee exchange glances with Carlisle, Jasper, and Alice. The suspense was killing me. I need to know what is going on.

"I had a vision last night, Seth." Alice began.

I sat up on the couch and interlocked my fingers. "A vision about what?"

"Alice saw the Volturi." Carlisle stopped. "They find out about Layla's condition and her marital status."

My eyes widened and I shot up from my seat. I began pacing the floor. I ran my fingers through my hair as I thought about everything I just heard.

"Well, what do we do?" I asked.

"We need to warn, Layla," Bella suggested.

"No!" I shouted, before realizing that I need to be quiet so I won't wake up Layla.

"Why not?" Bella added.

"She is already tired and stressed out now. I don't need her to worry about something else. She already has enough on her plate." I explained.

"I agree with Seth." Carlisle chimed in. "Right now Layla needs to focus on one thing, and that is making sure she and the baby are alright."

Everyone fell silent in the room. I took a seat back on the couch. I sighed and asked, "What do you think the Volturi will do about this situation?"

"It's hard to say," Carlisle replied.

"Marrying a werewolf and especially having kids with a werewolf is against the rules, in the Volturi's eyes," Edward informed. "Punishment can vary."

"What do you suppose I do? How am I going to protect my family?"

"With help," Rosaline answered.

"We are going to help you," Emmett said. "Layla is our family. You and those babies are our families. We protect our family."

I looked over at Bella, who slowly nodded her head in agreement. Just when I thought things were going to be normal, they all of a sudden change in an instant.

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