Adjusting to the Pregnancy

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Seth's POV:

Layla is two months pregnant now and the transition wasn't easy for her. I heard wining and complaining almost every day. She was going through so many changes at once. It was new for her especially since she had remained the same for years on end.

It became hard for her to look in the mirror as well. She kept on saying that she missed her bikini body and wanted it back, instead of having a pregnant belly of 2 months old twins.

I was downstairs in the kitchen, making myself some food for lunch while Layla was upstairs in the bedroom. I needed a break from the complaining and I was beyond hungry. Who would have known that being a werewolf burned so many calories? When I was done eating lunch, I went back upstairs.

I saw Layla laying on her side, on the top of the bed. She looked so tired, but she never found herself to fall asleep. I stood in the doorway while looked down at her. I was still shocked to realize that we were expecting. No matter how much she complained about her body, I happened to think she looked beautiful as an expecting mother.

"Why are you staring at me?" Layla asked, with her eyes closed as she rest.

"You just look so beautiful."

"You are a terrible liar." Layla chuckled.

I walked over to the bed and laid down beside her.

"I mean it, Layla!" I replied. "I think you look beautiful pregnant."

"Well, I'm glad you do because I sure don't."

"Oh come on now, Layla. Try and think about positive things." I advised.

"Oh yeah, like how I am tired all the time, how I am uncomfortable and am constantly hungry," Layla said sarcastically.

The room fell silent. I was at a loss for words.

"I'm sorry, Seth." Layla apologized. "I know you are excited, and I am not making this situation any better."

"It's not your fault."

"Yes, it is! I should be excited about this. After all, we are going to have kids. It's just that I am scared and nervous too. Besides, all of these changes at once don't help either." Layla explained. "I will try my best to change my mood around."

I inched closer to her, as I made my lips over to hers, but we were interrupted by the sound of our doorbell going off. I rolled onto my back, while Layla rested her head on the pillow.

"That will be Carlisle," I said, as I stood up from the bed and started making my way down the steps.

I turned the doorknob and swung the door open. I invited Carlisle in and close the door behind him.

"Hey, Carlisle." I greeted, as I gave him a hug.

"How is Layla doing?" he asked.

"Well, I'm not going to lie to you, there has been a lot of complaints."

Carlisle followed me up to the master bedroom, where Layla was waiting for us.

"There she is," Carlisle commented.

"How are you, Carlisle?" Layla asked.

"Just fine now that I am here, checking up on you."

Layla laughed. Carlisle instructed her to sit up and slightly lay on her back. He set up an ultrasound machine. I didn't like standing in the doorway while Layla was waiting for Carlisle to begin, so I sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand. Once Carlisle was done setting up, he had Layla lift up her shirt a bit. Then, he put a cool gel on Layla's belly and picked up the wand. He gently placed it on her belly and began moving around. I stared at the screen, trying to make out the picture.

"So Layla, how are your symptoms?"

"I'm extremely tired, hungry, and I am constantly uncomfortable."

"Okay, so I brought some blood bag that I would like to have you try. I would like to think that that will help ease your hunger. Not only that, but I think you will find yourself sleeping here and there."

"Is that even possible for Layla to do?" I asked.

"I think it is. She is undergoing some changes, so things are going to change while you are pregnant. You will be hungry and you will have to sleep from time to time." Carlisle explained.

He took the wand off her stomach and started packing up the machine. He told us that everything looked great, so there was no need for any worrying. He did want Layla to drink the blood he gave us and to try and sleep through the night.

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