Mountains and a Camp Fire

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Layla's POV:

It was the night before the Volturi were supposed to be here. I saw on a log around the campfire, with Jacob, Benjamin, and Tia. The four of us actually appreciated the warm and bright light more than the others at first. Jacob collected the wood for the fire, while Benjamin started the fire by using his vampire gifts which were to control the elements. When the fire was done, Jacob and Benjamin sat down to join Tia and me.

I greatly missed this. I remember when I was little, how my father would take my brother and I camping in the woods. I missed the warmth of the fire and how I could actually warm myself up with its heat.

Time went by and more of our friends joined us around the campfire. It wasn't long before Stefan and Vladimir started talking about their past. When the Volturi came up, I immediately began to think of the horrid things that Alec use to do to me, and what the Volturi did to my brother. I closed my eyes tight and tried to think of something else. My past has always haunted me and I fear that it always will.

I couldn't stand it. I stood up and saw Carlisle talking with Edward. I quickly walked away from the campsite. I didn't want to distract anyone from having a good time.

I was deep in the dark forest, standing on a dirt path with my arms crossed. I looked up at the sky before I closed my eyes and enjoyed the light breeze blow up against my face. Oh, how I wished I was human again. I wanted my brother back. I often thought about what my life would be like if I was still human. I could give Seth a family if I was human. Perhaps he would like me more if I was human.

"I don't think he would." Edward chimed in.

I was startled by his presence. I had no clue he was behind me and I certainly forgot that he could read my mind.

"I think Seth would love you no matter what you are. Whether you are a human or a vampire." Edward added.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"I may or may not have read his thoughts before." Edward chuckled. "What are you doing out here, Layla?"

I paused. "I needed some space to think."

"Think about what?"

"I can't get those terrible thoughts out of my head," I said, referring to my past with the Volturi. "Not only that, but I can't lose anyone else. It's too much pain for me to bear."

Edward remained quiet before saying, "With so much darkness around, I try and think about the light at the end of the tunnel. I block all the darkness out and focus on the brightness that I have at the moment. I'm scared for tomorrow, I'll admit it. However, I know that things will work out the way they are supposed to."

"But aren't you scared of losing the ones you love?"

"Everyday but I have treasured every second with them. The thought of losing Bella, Renesmee, Carlisle, Esmee, and so many more frightens me but I have to remain strong because the fight isn't over yet."

I looked down at my hands and fiddled with my fingers.

"Seth loves you, Layla. And you love him. That is stronger than the Volturi. He is doing this for you and he knows the risks."

I looked up at Edward and smiled.

"You are right."

Edward walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Now come on, Renesmee wants to say goodnight."

I walked back to the campsite with Edward. I saw Bella standing outside of Renesmee's tent. Edward stopped and let me walk the rest of the way to the tent. Then, Bella joined him. I crawled into the tent and sat down next to my beautiful niece.

"I heard you were looking for me." I teased, causing a smile to appear on Renesmee's face.

Renesmee went quiet. I stroked her hair and asked, "What is wrong?"

"Auntie, what's going to happen tomorrow?"

"Many things that will set you up for the future."

"Are they good things, or bad things?"

"That is a question that I can't answer. We can only wait and experience it ourselves. But, I can promise you that you will be safe. I won't let anything happen to you and neither will you daddy, mommy, or Jacob. You just have to promise me that you will be happy in the long run. Can you do that for me?"

Renesmee nodded her head.

"Alright, now you get some sleep," I said, as I scooted out of the tent.

Just before I left, Renesmee stopped me and asked, "Are you and Seth gonna get married?"

I laughed. "I sure hope so. Goodnight Renesmee."

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