Sudden Changes

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Layla's POV: 

Seth and I spent two weeks in north California for our honeymoon. It was a nice break from work and his werewolf duties. It was nice to have those weeks to ourselves and spending them with each other. After our honeymoon, Seth and I returned home where we moved a couple of miles north from where the Cullen's and Seth's old pack were.

By moving north, Seth and I regrouped with my brother's old pack. They accepted Seth with no trouble. It only took Seth a couple of weeks to get used to the pack, before he overthrew the alpha. Seth became the leader of my family's pack. After that, Seth and I moved into my family's house. It was located in the middle of the forest, so it was a perfect location for Seth to be with the pack, but also for me because it wasn't far from work. Not only that but it wasn't too far from his family or my family. We were just located a couple of miles north from them.

Since we didn't have much stuff, to begin with, it didn't take us long to move into. Over time, I started replacing old furniture with new once. It was slowly becoming home.

I took most of the mornings off so that I could be with Seth. And I worked the night shifts since Seth wouldn't be up then. It was a process we both thought of and that ended up working. There were times when I didn't have to work during the day or night, so I ended up just staying with my husband. Our new life together couldn't be better. It was finally normal.

However, as perfect as it was, there was something that was starting to change. I was starting to change a bit.

My thirst for blood only became worse. I was more thirsty than usual. It was hard to control. I have been spending so much money on raw meat so that I could bring my thirst down. It became difficult for me to go to work on time. Practicing self-control has never been harder for me. There were even times when I felt sick to my stomach.

It wasn't long after I noticed that feeling that I found myself running to the bathroom in secret, to throw up the contents of my stomach which consisted of blood. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't want Seth to find out. He had enough on his plate as being the leader of the pack.

I knew that I had to figure this out, but I wasn't going to let Seth see what is going on either. So, I acted like everything was normal and carried on with life. As much as I wanted that to work, it didn't last long.

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