The Old Pack

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Seth's POV:

It was a new day and I found myself all alone in the new house that I now call home. It was Layla's last day at work before her maternity leave began. I knew that she wouldn't be home until late tonight. I eventually found myself starting to get bored. We were far from the pack, so I didn't know what to do, to make time pass.

I left the house and started sprinting toward the tree line. I jumped up in the air and transformed into my werewolf form. When all four of my legs touched the ground, I started running through the forest. It had been a while since I ran through these trees. It even reminded me of the old days, when I was still in Sam's pack with Jacob and my sister, Leah.

As I was running through the forest, I heard something in the distance. I stopped running and listened with my wolf ears. It sounded as if two things were running right toward me. I didn't know who or what it was, so I readied myself for an attack.

Seconds had gone by and I saw two werewolves stop in my sight. It was Leah and Jacob in werewolf form. All three of us stopped once we saw each other.

Leah was so happy to see me that she came over to me and playfully started attacking me.

Minutes had gone by, all three of us were back in our human form. We were sitting in the cold sand, at the beach, as we looked out at the water.

"You guys should come by the house sometime," I said to Jacob and Leah. "I know Layla would be so happy to see you guys again."

Leah didn't seem too thrilled about my invitation.

"Well I know that Renesmee plans on stopping in some time to see her aunt, so you two will be seeing us soon," Jacob explained.

"Awesome!" I exclaimed.

It became dead silent for a moment.

"How is Layla anyway?" Jacob asked.

"Layla is doing fine."

"And how's the pregnancy?" Jacob added.

"It's normal for right now, but it is still early. She is only one month pregnant."

"I'm glad to hear that, Seth."

I looked over at my sister, who was remaining quiet for the entire conversation. I saw her roll her eyes whenever Layla came up. I don't understand what the matter is, but I surely intend to find out.

"How's your pack doing?" Layla asked, trying to change the subject.

"As far as I know they are doing great. I put my second in command in charge until I get back."

"I still can't believe my baby brother is the leader of a werewolf pack!"

"Yeah well, I owe it all to Layla who helped me out with that," I said as Leah rolled her eyes.

I raised my right eyebrow and looked at my sister. I didn't appreciate the attitude she had toward Layla.

"What's that for?" I asked Leah.

"What is what for?"

"You keep rolling your eyes."

"I wasn't rolling my eyes." Leah denied.

"Yes, you were! I saw you numerous times."

I felt bad putting Jacob in the middle of this, but I knew that he didn't mind. After all, the three of us were like siblings. Jacob was like my older brother that I never had.

"What is your problem?"

"Layla is my problem!" Leah confessed. "I knew you should have never married a vampire, and now you got her pregnant. What could go wrong next?"

I lost my nerve with Leah. She is my sister and I love her dearly, but I also love my wife too. It was hard for me.

"How can you say that?" I snapped. "Do you think Layla and I asked for all of this to happen?"

"Well excuse me for looking out for your well being."

We had time to calm down and think about things.

"I'm sorry, Seth." Leah apologized. "I'm just uneasy right now since Layla and you are expecting."

"It's alright. Besides, I understand where you are coming from and why you are concerned. You have always watched after me. You're my older sister." I winked.

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