Meeting Them

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Layla's POV: 

It has been two weeks since I agreed to the deal with Aro. The twins were due any moment, and yet, I wasn't excited for them to be born because I knew that my time would be limited with them once they are born. The thought of leaving them behind made my heartache, and just thinking about Seth's reaction made me so angry with myself. How could I do this to my family?

I was resting at home with Bella and Alice, who came to visit me while the rest of the family was out and about. And what I mean by that is that they are preparing for the twins or the wrath of the Volturi. Little do they know that they won't be burdened with that issue. I promised myself that I would tell no one of this deal. Not even Seth, Bella, or Alice. I figure that it will only bring them more pain.

As I sat on the couch, I found myself uncomfortable. The twins were kicking so much that it hurt. It became unbearable, so I stood up and placed my hand on my belly. Just then, water hit the ground. I looked down at the floor and realized what has just happened. Bella and Alice looked over at me

"My water broke!" I exclaimed.

Bella ran to my side. She grabbed my wrist and put her hand on my back.

"We need to get to Carlisle's," Alice said, as she exited the house to get the car.

Bella helped me outside and into the car. She helped me control my breathing as Alice raced to Carlisle's house. The pain was getting worse. I tried not to panic or freak out, but I know it won't last. Bella grabbed her phone and dialed Seth.

"Seth, it's Bella. Layla's water just broke, so we are heading to Carlisle's. Hurry and get there!" Bella said into the phone.

The drive felt long but really wasn't. Bella and Alice helped me out of the car while Esmee and Rosaline rushed outside. As I was helped into the house, Esmee and Rosaline were close behind. They took me into a room, where a delivery bed was all set up. Before I knew it, I was out of my clothes and had on a gown. I lied down on the delivery bed and grabbed the rails.

"Where is Carlisle?" I shouted.

"Don't worry Layla, Carlisle, and Seth are on their way," Esmee assured me.

I let out a scream of pain. Then, I took deep breaths.

"I need to talk to Bella in private." I requested.

Esmee, Alice, and Rosaline left my room with no hesitation. Bella came close to my side. I grabbed her hand and looked in her eyes.

"Promise me that whatever happens, you will watch over my family."

"Everything is going to be fine, Layla."

"Promise me, Bella! I've done something terrible, so I need you to do this."

"What did you do?" Bella asked.

Before I could answer, Seth and Carlisle came into the room. Seth rushed to my side and held my hand. He kissed the top of my forehead. Bella exited the room while Esmee came back in to help Carlisle with the delivery.

"Are you ready for this?" Seth asked.

I could tell that he was so happy and excited that this was happening.

"Not really," I admitted.

"Don't worry, I'm right here."

The pain increased even more, so I squeezed Seth's hand so tight. The twins were coming and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I have to prepare myself for my inevitable future, that I must endure.


It was long but the twins had finally arrived

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It was long but the twins had finally arrived. I was exhausted from the delivery, but I was also aware of my surroundings. The whole family gathered in the room. Seth held our baby boy, while Esmee held our daughter. This is a perfect moment that I wanted to remember and treasure forever.

Carlisle placed his hand on my shoulder. He looked down at me while I looked up at him. I took his hand kissed the top.

"What are you going to name them?" Renesmee asked.

Seth and I exchanged looks with each other.

"Meet Landon Clearwater." Seth introduced, as he held Landon in his arms.

Smiled appeared on everyone's faces, even Seth's sister, Leah.

Esmee gently handed my daughter to me. As I held her in my arms, I announced, "And Charlize Clearwater, after her grandfather."

I looked at Carlisle. He was no doubt touched when I announced her name. I smiled at him and he returned the gesture.

"Alright everybody, I think it's time we let Layla rest, so everybody out," Rosaline ordered.

Seth gave Landon to Rosaline, while I handed Charlize off to Alice. Everyone left the room, except for Seth who climbed up to the delivery bed, next to me. I rested my head on his chest, as we both looked up at the ceiling.

"I love you so much, Layla," Seth confessed. "I never thought we could have this, but I'm glad we do."

I closed my eyes and whispered, "Me too."

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