Stopping In

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Layla's POV:

It has been a month since I joined the Volturi, and they didn't waste any time sending me to do their dirty work. I traveled all over the place, so I could dispose of the vampires that went against the Volturi. Killing so many on behalf of the Volturi really affected me. It isn't me nor will it ever be. I wish I didn't have to do this because I found or believed many of them to be innocent. Now the Volturi sent me to Washington. No doubt to test my loyalty to them.

It was only a couple of miles from Forks, Washington. Apparently this vampire has been seen feeding off of people in broad daylight. A major law that the Volturi enforce, so I needed to extinguish his existence immediately. It didn't take me long to find the vampire. I found him in an alley, feeding off of a young girl. He completely drained the girl of her blood; therefore, killing her. The sight was terrible so I turned the corner and held up my hand in his direction. With my abilities, I tightened his air pipes and squeezed them tight as I lifted him up in the air. I put my hand into a fist and pulled him down to the ground hard. He struggled to get to his feet, but once he was up, I stopped him from walking. I started walking around him before I stopped in front of him. I stared him down then I used my abilities to break his head off of his shoulders. I needed to burn his corpse, so I thought of a good place to get fire and when I looked down at my hands, a fire appeared from my hands. I took a step back because I was completely shocked.

"What is going on with me?" I whispered.

I threw the fire onto the corpse and walked away as it burned to ashes. For several days, I have noticed a difference in my abilities. They were becoming more powerful and I found myself capable of more abilities. I didn't want the Volturi to find out, so I kept this information to myself.

Since I had finished my task, I thought I would travel to Forks. Just a quick stop at home would satisfy me. I needed to see my babies once more. Before I went down to the house, I stood on top of a hill to make sure that Seth wasn't home. As I watched from the hill, I saw Renesmee and Jacob sitting outside next to the fire.

I made my way down to the house. I jumped up onto the porch, which leads into the master bedroom. I opened the door and saw my old bedroom. There were so many boxes in the bedroom. As I opened one box, I saw that belongings were packed away in them. Nothing was out except the big furniture that didn't require boxes. I quietly walked to the twins' room and shut the door behind me, so that nothing looked out of place.

I slowly walked over to the cribs and saw my two babies. Charlize was fast asleep, but Landon was awake in his crib. He was playing with a little teddy bear when I saw him. It was a sight that crippled my heart.

"Hi, Landon," I whispered. "Do you remember me?"

I picked Landon up and held him in my arms. A month felt like an eternity. Landon and Charlize were already growing. I couldn't bear the thought of time without them. Holding Landon gave me terrible thoughts and memories.

"I'm your mommy, Landon. Can you say, mama?"

I couldn't pull my eyes away from Landon. He looks so much like Seth. Just then, the door behind me opened and I immediately turned around. It is Bella, standing in the middle of the doorway, surprised to see me here.

"Layla, what are you doing here?"

"I was in the area and I had to see them," I answered.

"You can't be here. Renesmee and Jacob are downstairs, and Seth will be returning any minute."

I looked down at Landon, who was smiling up at me. I gave him a kiss on the forehead before I placed him gently back in the crib. Then, I looked back at Bella.

"How is Seth?" I asked. "And what are all of these boxes doing all over the place?"

"He is holding on. He believes that he will see you again and he is waiting for that day to come. Until then, he has decided to sell this house and move closer to Carlisle and me, so he can have help raising the twins. I guess this house you built together is too painful for him."

"And you?"

"Keeping your secret isn't easy, Layla," Bella admitted. "But, I am keeping it."

I walked over to Bella and gave her a hug. "Thank you, Bella."

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