Expressing Their Concerns

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Seth's POV:

Layla and I were making plans to be closer to her family since she was pregnant, and we were gonna need all the help we could get. I was at home, packing up the most important things that we would need. Layla was at work and planning for maternity leave.

I was in the garage, loading our belongings into boxes when I saw a Volvo SUV drive on our driveway. I knew right away who it was because there was only one person who would drive an SUV and that was Bella Cullen. She parked her car in front of our garage. Bella opened the driver side door and stepped out of the car. Then, Edward and Jacob came out after her.

"What is this?" I asked. "An intervention perhaps?"

"Shut up, Seth!" Bella teased, as she came over to me and greeted me with a hug.

I greeted Edward and Jacob as well. I was happy to see these three again. It had been a while since I last saw them.

"Layla is not here guys, she is at the hospital."

"We are not here to see, Layla," Edward replied.

"We are here to see you, Seth." Jacob interrupted.

"Me? Why are you here to see me?"

"We know about Layla's pregnancy, Seth," Bella admitted. "And we are here to express our concerns about this coming event."

I was confused now. What is the deal? I thought they would be excited for Layla and me. Boy was I wrong. I crossed my arms and waited for them to go on.

"This isn't good Seth."

"Why is that, Edward?"

"No need to get defensive, Seth. We are trying to help you." Jacob defended.

"Seth, I can't be happier for Layla and you. I of all people know that she has wanted to be a mother more than anything in the world. However, she is still a vampire. We don't know what this pregnancy is going to be like, which causes concern." Bella explained.

"Not only that but what will the Volturi think?" Edward considered. "They won't take lightly to this when they find out about this."

I had not thought of the Volturi, and I sure as heck wouldn't bring it up with Layla.

"Yeah, not only is Layla pregnant but she is pregnant with a werewolf's child," Jacob added to the list of problems.

"Children." I corrected.

"What?" Bella asked. "What do you mean by children?"

I looked up at Bella and said, "Layla is pregnant with twins."

Jacob, Edward, and Bella exchanged looks with each other. They weren't good looks either. Just then, I heard a car coming up the driveway. I suspected it was Layla.

"Don't mention any of this to Layla!" I ordered. "I don't want to add additional stress to her right now. Are we clear?"

"Crystal," Edward replied.

Layla hopped out of the car and was surprised to see Bella, Edward, and Jacob here. She quickly greeted each and every one of them with a hub, before she came over to me and greeted me with a kiss on the lips.

"What are you all doing here?" she asked.

"We just came to congratulate you." Bella lied.

"That's very sweet of you three, but you could have waited a couple of days. Seth and I plan to move closer to Carlisle's until the children are born."

"We couldn't wait." Edward interrupted.

"Oh, well okay."

It was pretty awkward between Edward, Bella, Jacob and I since we had that conversation. They brought up valid points, but they also drained me of excitement.

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