Meeting on the Battle Field

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Layla's POV: 

It's a cold day in Forks, Washington. The ground is covered in snow, while tons of clouds linger in the sky, blocking the sun from shining through.  A typical day for Forks, Washington. But, today is different for my family, our friends, and the witnesses that have agreed to help us. We are not just going through another typical day. Instead, we are all gathered in a cold field, as we are waiting for the Volturi to arrive. We are all getting anxious, but Seth and I have the worst of it. He and I stood in the front, with our heads held high as we awaited their arrival. We wanted to get this over with so bad. With everything, we have gone through and everything we have had to endure, only makes the wait worst. The two of us are heartbroken parents. Hoping to make the Volturi see that our children are not a threat to them. It's not easy when they choose certain things to see, rather than what is right in front of them. 

"They're coming," Edward warned. 

Everyone confidently stood their ground. I made sure that I was in the front so that I was the first one that Aro would see. Seth held my hand and joined me at the front. Then, we saw vampires with black hooded capes come out of the tree line. They joined us on the field but kept their distance. I knew that these were vampires loyal to the Volturi, so I didn't give them my attention. I was more focus on Caius, Marcus, and Aro. Everyone else was irrelevant to me. 

I looked around for Caius, Marcus, and Aro but I couldn't see them. I looked at Edward and asked, "Do you have any read on him?"

Edward shook his head. I looked back at the Volturi and all of a sudden, I saw Jane emerge from the crowd, along with her brother Alec. Then, Caius and Marcus joined them while being escorted by Demetri and Felix. And finally, Aro came to the front of the Volturi. I made sure to show no sign of weakness to him because I am not going to lose to him. 

His sick smile appeared on his face. 

"Layla, how good it is to see you again," Aro said, from across the field. "I see you have gathered an army to fight against us."

"Not an army, Aro." I snapped. "Simply many witnesses who have met my children and can attest that they are not going to make vampires known."

"Am I supposed to take your word for it? Especially since you did not hold your part of our other deal?"

I lowered my head in shame. I never wanted to make that deal with him, but I had no choice to at the time. He threatened to kill my children. I saw no other way. And in the end, I came back to my family anyway. Perhaps I am the one responsible for all of this. 

Seth stepped in front of me and said, "If you choose to not listen, then a battle is what you will get and I assure you that you will lose."

"Aw, Layla's husband. Another law that you have broken, Layla. Not only have you broken our deal, but you married a werewolf and produced his offspring."

I couldn't listen to this anymore. I am so angry inside that I couldn't hold back anymore. 

"Enough Aro!" I shouted. "You keep talking about all the mistakes that I have made. Now, what about your mistakes? Or have you simply forgotten about your sister, who also happened to be Marcus' wife?"

Aro fell silent. Marcus' eyes shot over to Aro, along with the other members of the Volturi. It was clear that I had everyone's attention. Before I went on, I knew I had to do something about Chelsea whose ability was relationship manipulation. She is the one who influences emotional ties with people and she is the one who binds Marcus to Aro. I used my telepathic ability to stop Chelsea from using her powers on Marcus. He was now unbound from Aro. 

"Marcus, Aro is the one who killed Didyme. Your wife. His sister." I said. "He did that so you wouldn't leave the Volturi and your loyalty behind."

"Is that true?" Marcus asked Aro.

Aro remained quiet. He did not answer Marcus. Instead, he looked across the field at me. He tried to stare me down, but I held my head up high and smirked at him. I have waited so long to do this to Aro. But, I wasn't expecting what was coming next. Aro signaled for Demetri and Felix, who grabbed Marcus' arms. They held him tight before pulling his arms off, killing Marcus. I couldn't believe that Aro did that. 

Silence fell over the field. Seth squeezed my hand. I looked back at him with heavy eyes. I was unsure of what was supposed to happen. How were things going to work out now? 

"I'm with you until the end," Seth whispered. "For our children."

A smile briefly appeared on my face, before I looked around at my family, friends, and the witnesses we have gathered. They all gathered with us. I turned back around to face Aro. Seth transformed into a werewolf right in front of the Volturi. Then, he pointed his head up to the sky and howled. Before we knew it, werewolves started to appear out of the tree lines to join us on the field. 

"You dare fight the Volturi!" Caius shouted. 

"If that is what it takes, then yes."

Without any warning, I took off sprinting across the field, towards Aro. Lower-ranking members of the Volturi took off after me, in an attempt to stop me and protect Aro. Seth saw and immediately shapeshifted into a werewolf and ran off toward the Volturi member. Before we knew it, the Volturi started running to fight then my family, friends, and our witnesses joined in. It was a huge battle in the field. There were so many Volturi members that delayed me from getting to Aro, but I kept on pushing on. 

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