What Are You Doing Here?

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Layla's POV: 

I am now eight months pregnant with twins and am approaching nine months soon. Since I am almost ready to pop, Seth has been out with my family and the wolf pack, preparing for the worst to come. I have to admit that it did bother me a bit since Seth and everyone else around me was already expecting the worst to happen once the twins are born. Why can't I enjoy my pregnant, as much as possible, and be excited to be a mother?

I am left alone at the house. I was dressed in a warm sweater and jeans, as I watched a movie. It was peaceful for some time, then the doorbell rang. I looked over my shoulder and debated on getting up or not. Who could it possibly be?

I stood up from the couch and immediately got a chill down my spine. I continued heading to the front door, where I placed my hand on the doorknob and swung the door open. Revealing a terrible sight.

"Aro!" I said as the name escaped my mouth.

A big grin appeared on his face and he backed me into my house. I looked over his shoulder and saw Alec behind him. I became so scared immediately. What are they doing here?

"Layla, I must admit that you are glowing but I am also disappointed to learn that the rumor is true," Aro said. "The Volturi do not like this disobedience and breaking of our laws, so I thought I would bring Alec out here with me to address the situation."

"You and Alec need to leave!" I demanded.

"We will do no such thing!" Aro replied. "After all, your family and werewolf husband are occupied at the moment."

"What are you going to do then?" I asked.

"What we have to." Alec interrupted.

Aro put his hand up, to silence Alec.

"And what is it that you have to do?"

"My dear Layla, you must be put to death," Aro answered.

I wasn't going to have them do anything else, so I used my abilities to stop both of them in their tracks. I took control of their bodies so that they couldn't pull any tricks. Since I had paralyzed them, I started walking around them.

"What a great gift." Aro complimented.

"Believe me, I am well aware of it." I continued. "Now, what do I have to do, to make you drop this issue so that I can keep my babies?"

"Nothing of the sort, filth." Alec chimed in.

I knew exactly what to do, that would change Aro's mind.

"How about a proposal?" I suggested.

"Go on."

"If you let my family and babies live, I will join the Volturi after I can be separated from my children." I proposed.

Aro thought about it for a few minutes. After exchanging looks with Alec, Aro had agreed to my terms. I unfroze them with my mind.

"You have a deal, Layla. But, if you break this deal, I will do everything in my power to make sure that your husband and children are murdered."


"I shall see you in do time," Aro said, right before him and Alec exited my house and began their journey back to Italy.

I closed and lock the front door. Then, I walked back to the couch where I sat down. I was troubled by what just occurred. Did I really just do that? I laid back and felt terrible inside.

"What am I going to do?" I mumbled to myself.

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