ComiCon Reunions-Jeremy Jordan

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"Okay, Miss Y/L/N the panel before yours is just finishing up, so they are almost ready for you." Said a stage manager. I nodded as I looked down at my phone.

"Y/N?" I looked up from my phone to see Tyler Hoechlin walking towards me.

"Tyler?" I laughed as he picked me up and spun me around. "How have you been?" I laughed as he put me down.

"Good! How are you?"

"I'm good. What show are you here for?" I asked.

"Supergirl. I play her cousin, Clark Kent."

"First a werewolf and now Superman? Look at you, hot shot."

"Me? What about you? I hear you've been kicking ass and taking names in the movie biz!"

"Well," I shrugged. "I try."

"Tyler! They need us in the other room." We turned to see a brown haired boy walking towards us.

"Of course, but first Y/N this is Jeremy. Jeremy, this is Y/N. Her and I worked together on Teen Wolf. Now she is kicking ass as Brenda from Maze Runner."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N." He reached forward and shook my hand. I ignored the electricity that shot through my arm.

"Nice to meet you too, Jeremy." I smiled, pulling my hand out of his grasp.

"Jeremy was on Broadway before he got cast as Winn." Tyler said, with a hint of amusement in his voice. I looked over to see Jeremy's cheeks turn red.

"Really?" I asked making Jeremy shrug. "So was I." This made him look up at me suddenly.

"Really? What show?" He asked.

"Les Miserables."

"What?" His excited outburst made me laugh.

"Yeah, I was Eponine. What about you?"

"I was Jack Kelly. . . From Newsies." He said getting embarrassed. "But, I also played Clyde in Bonnie & Clyde the musical."

"If you guys got married, you would have Broadway Babies," Tyler laughed as he walked away.

"You know him so I don't have to apologize for that, right?" Jeremy asked making me laugh.

"Yeah. He is the last person you want in an awkward situation. Or any situation for that matter." I laughed making him smile.

"Y/L/N! They are ready for us." We turned around to see Dylan O'Brien waving me over.

"Be right there," I yelled before turning back to Jeremy. "Sorry. Guess I should go." I started to leave but he caught up to me.

"Wait, umm do you maybe want to get dinner or coffee sometime?"

"I'd like that," I smiled. "Tyler can give you my number." With that, I turned and walked away.

"You're making me ask Tyler for your number. You want him to tease me, don't you?"

"What would give you that idea?" I asked over my shoulder with a slight smirk.

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