Saving Crutchie- Jack Kelly

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I have been working with Jack and Crutchie for three years. All the boys in the Lodge House know I'm a girl, but none of them care. Even if they did, Jack would threaten them.

When the strike started, Jack was hesitant to let me join- claiming he didn't want me to get hurt.

"Things might get dangerous, Y/N/N." Jack sighed as he paced back and forth across the fire escape.

"I realize that, Jack. I'm 17, not an idiot." I laughed, about to go back inside.

Jack reached out and grabbed my wrist. I turned around to see Jack looking at me with pleading eyes. "Please Y/N," he whispered. "I can't. . . I don't know what I would do if something happened to you. I. . . I can't lose you, Y/N. I just can't."

I gasped when I saw his eyes water. In all the years I've known Jack, I have never seen him cry. "Nothing is going to happen, Jack. I know this because you and the guys taught me how to fight so I'll be fine." That last statement made him laugh.

Suddenly, he stopped laughing and just stared at me. I gasped when he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around me.


I bit my lip as the fighting started. I thought I could handle it, but as I stood and watched the Newsies get attacked I realized just how bad this was going to end.

I gasped when I saw the Delancy brothers grab Crutchie. I looked around for someone to help, but everyone was infested in their own battles. Davey was fighting an officer and Jack was fighting Snyder. I took a deep breath before running towards Crutchie.

"Hey!" I yelled as I punched Oscar in the nose. He let go of Crutchie and held his nose in pain. Morris pushed Crutchie to the ground before turning towards me.

"Run," I mouthed to Crutchie.

"Ya know," Morris laughed, making me look at him. "I ain't afraid of hittin' no gurl."

"Good. Neither am I." I said dodging his fist and punching him in the nose. I gasped when two large hands grabbed me from behind. I looked over my shoulder to see a smirking Oscar.

"Let me go!" I struggled against his hold on me. I screamed when Morris punched me in the gut. I got one of my arms loose but that arm was quickly grabbed by Morris. I struggled against them as I watched Snyder stride towards me.

My thoughts immediately went to Jack. I scanned Newsie's square, looking for a certain blue shirt. I sighed in relief when I saw Jack helping Crutchie. I watched as Crutchie said something to Jack and pointed towards me. I saw Jack's eyes widened before looking over at me.

I saw Jack say my name but I couldn't hear him. I gasped when I was hit in the stomach. I would have collapsed if Morris and Oscar hadn't been holding me.

"What have we got here?" Snyder asked. I spit in his face causing him to slap me. When he did, a piece of hair fell out from underneath my cap.

"Well, well," Snyder laughed as he ripped the cap off my head. "A girl Newsie! Isn't it my lucky day? Take her to the Refuge!"

"No!" I shrieked as I tried to get out of the Delancys' grip but they were too strong.

"Y/N!!" I looked up to see Jack running towards me.

"Jack!" I called out. I gasped when I was throne into the back of a carriage. The last thing I saw was Jack trying to get past the Delancy brothers before the door slammed shut.

Part 2 Coming Soon

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