Kidnapped For You-Winn Schott

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I woke up with a pounding headache that made me dizzy. When my eyes finally adjusted, I saw I was in an abandoned arcade. I suddenly realized that I was tied to the chair I was sitting on.

I jumped when all the lights and machines turned on. I bit my lip when I heard a door open and close followed by a deep chuckle. I looked over my shoulder, straining to see behind me.

I gasped when I felt two strong hands on my shoulders. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm not going to hurt you."

"Who. . . Who are you?" I stuttered.

"I'm kind of hurt that you don't know me," he laughed as he walked around and sat in the chair across from me.

"You're. . ." I gasped.

"The famous Toyman!" He said standing up and doing a little spin.

"You're Winn's father," I said softly.

"You're a smart girl," he chuckled. "I see why my son likes you so much."

"What?" I said shaking my head, trying to get rid of the dizziness. "He. . . He doesn't. . ."

"Oh my sweet naive young girl. I know my son, no matter what he says, and I know when he likes a girl. Which is why you are the perfect bait."

"Bait? You kidnapped me to get to Winn? What the hell are you going to do to him?"

"Nothing, my dear girl. I would never hurt my son."

"But you would hurt me. Right? Like if Winn doesn't do what you want, you'll have leverage."

"That's the plan," he laughed looking at me with eyes that sent a chill down my spine. He stood up patted me on the shoulder and walked away.

"Please don't fall for this Winn," I whispered as tears streamed down my cheeks.

A few hours later I heard the door open and close again. Part of me wanted it to be Winn, but another part wanted him to be as far away as possible. "Dad, I know you have her. Just let her go."

"Winn!" I called out so he would know I was here.

"Y/N?" I almost cried as I heard him yell my name.

"Winn! I'm over here!" A few seconds later I saw him run around the machines.

He ran over and knelt in front of me. He slowly scanned me for injuries as he untied me. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. You're going to be okay. I promise. It's going to be okay," he said with tears in his eyes.

"It's a trap," I said softly as he helped me stand up. "It's a trap, Winn. You have to go. He used me to get you here. You have to leave," I urged.

"There is no way in hell I am leaving you, Y/N."

"Winn," I sighed.

"No, Y/N. I'm not going to leave you so don't even ask." He said before wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't understand," I said softly. "Why would your dad use me as bait? I mean. . . I'm just the girl in the cubical next to yours."

He pulled away and reached up to cup my cheek in his hand. "You are so much more than that." Before I could say anything, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I instantly got lost in the kiss.

We pulled away when we heard a deep chuckle. "Aww, young love."

"Winn," I said softly as his facial expression changed.

"You son of a bitch!" He yelled making me jump. He quickly stepped in front of me as his father walked towards us. "Let us go! Now!"

"I wasn't going to hurt her," his father tried to reason.

"Bullshit! You and I both know that if I didn't do as you wanted, you would threatened to hurt her!"

"Son," he sighed taking another step towards us.

"No," he said forcefully. "You stay away from her." I could see Winn shaking with anger. I reached forward and intertwined our fingers.

"Winn," I said softly. "Let's just go."

"Sorry, sweetheart. I'm not going to let you two leave. I won't let my son walk out of my life. Again."

"Again?" Winn scoffed. "You got arrested for blowing a building up! I didn't walk out, you were taken."

Suddenly, Winn let out a shaky breath. "I am not going to let you ruin my life. Especially not now that I have," he looked at me making me smile, "Especially now that I have something worth protecting."

"Winn, son," his father laughed causing Winn to turn back to look at his father. "How can you turn your back on your father for some girl you work with? Is she even really worth it?"

"Yes. She is." He said standing up straighter. "And if you think I am going to let you hurt her, you are even more insane than I thought." Before Winn's father could say anything, a team of officers rushed into the building. I saw Winn bite his lip as they put his father in handcuffs. I grabbed his face, gently forcing him to look at me instead of at his father.

"Thank you," I whispered. Winn smiled as he reached up and grabbed my wrists. He pulled them away from his face and took a step closer to me. He leaned down and I closed my eyes as his lips pressed to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

I gasped when he pulled away too soon for my liking. "Winn, are you okay?"

"I'm sorry. Y/N, I am so sorry my father took you. I should've. . . I should've protected you. I should've stopped him from hurting you."

"Winn, he didn't hurt me. I'm fine." I assured him.

"Still. Y/N, I put you in danger. What if I hadn't gotten there in time or the police hadn't gotten here in time? I should've protected you. I should've taken better care of you. I'm sorry."

I stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his. When we pulled away I cupped his cheek in my hand. "If I was gonna be kidnapped for someone, I'm glad it was you."

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