Writer's Block-Jeremy Jordan

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I sipped my coffee as I read through my emails. I sighed when I saw yet another email from my editor. She made Sandra Bullock in The Proposal look like a saint. "There is just one problem, Andrea. I don't know what my next book is going to be about!" I yelled as I slammed my computer shut and slid it across my desk.

I took a deep breath before heading downstairs and making myself a cup of coffee. "Okay, lets try this again." I sighed as I walked back up the stairs.

I sat back down on the bed and grabbed my computer. I opened a new word document, but just stared at it. Two hours went by and I was still staring at a blank page.

Suddenly, I heard the front door open and close. "Y/N?" I was too busy staring at the still blank page on my computer to acknowledge him. "Earth to Y/N?"

I gasped when I felt an empty water bottle being thrown at my head. "What the hell," I mumbled finally looking up from my computer. "Oh, hey honey."

"Everything okay?" He asked as he started taking off his shoes and hanging his jacket on the rocking chair in the corner of the room. "I asked you like five times where you wanted to go for dinner."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I sighed running my hands through my hair. Jeremy walked over to the bed and climbed behind me. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Umm, baby? Why are you staring at a blank word document?" He said with a slight laugh in his voice.

"It's not a blank document. It's my third book." I said sarcastically before leaning forward, pressing my forehead to the keys.

"Y/N," Jeremy sighed as he reached over, making me sit up. "I know you. You're an amazing writer. You've already written two books, you can write this next one. You just need to relax. Just take a deep breath and write."

"You're right. I've written two books. Two! And they were both successful." I said as he started to massage my shoulders. I erased the random letters that were the only thing on the word document thanks to my forehead. "I can do this," I said looking at him.

"You can do this," he nodded as he got out from behind me and headed to the bathroom.

"I just have to start writing. I got this." My hands hovered over the keyboard, not touching the keys. I wiggled my fingers, waiting for inspiration to hit.

"Ugh, I got nothing!" I said as I gently tossed my laptop onto the bed and put my head in my hands. "I'm empty! My creativity is just gone! My dad was right! I can't make a career out of writing. I suck!"

"Y/N, that's enough." Jeremy sighed as he turned around and sat next to me. "You're father is not right. You have made a career from writing. You've written and published two books! That's more than hundreds of writers! Because of your writing, we moved out of that crappy basement apartment on the bad part of town. Because of your writing, I got through school. Because of your writing, we were able to buy this house. Because of your writing, I was able to feel comfortable leaving because I knew you were going to be fine. I am so proud of you, Y/N."

"But I can't think of anything else. My characters are stuck because I can't think of another adventure for them to go one. The only kind of adventure I can think of is one that has already been written and published. And my editor won't get off my back which is making the writer's block even worse. I can't do this anymore."

"Y/N," Jeremy sighed as he wrapped his arms around me and laid us against the headboard. "Take a deep breath."

"Jeremy," I started.

"Take a deep breath." He said kissing the top of my head. I leaned my head back against his shoulder and took a few slow breaths.

"What if I never get through this writer's block?" I sad after we sat a for a few minutes.

"You will," Jeremy insisted.

"But what if I can't?" I sat up and turned towards him. "Jeremy, what if I finally come up with something but Andrea hates it? You now how picky she is! What if she doesn't like it and decides to drop me?! What if I lose my publisher?"

"Y/N, baby, breathe." He said grabbing my face in his hands. "You aren't going to lose your publisher. Andrea is uptight, but she loves you. Even if you did lose her, it'll be okay. Maybe you can get another one. Either way, it's going to be okay. You'll get through this." Before I could contradict what he said, he quickly kept talking. "Writer's block doesn't last forever."

"But what if it does? Jeremy, all I know is writing. I can't help with the mortgage if I'm not working."

Jeremy sighed and then rolled us over so I was on my back and he was hovering over me. Before I could say anything, he pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as our lips moved in sync.

Jeremy pulled away and looked at me. "You are an amazing writer, Y/N. Whenever I read one of your books, I can never put it down. You are not a has-been or a washed up writer. You are an amazing writer. Maybe you just need a break," he said.

"Yeah," I scoffed. "Like Andrea will let me take a break." I said playing with a button on his flannel.

"Screw her." He said making me laugh. "Let's you and me rent a beach house, even if it's just for the weekend. You can get away from the city and clear your head. I just finished filming and you can write from anywhere, so let's do it. What do you say?"

I bit my lip as I thought about his offer. "It does sound amazing," I said slowly. As I looked at his hopeful eyes and felt my heart sink. It has been a while since we had taken a few days to spend just us, no phones, no work. "Let's do it," I said. I bit my lip as I watched his smile grew.

I laughed as he pressed his lips to mine. I ran my hands through his hair making him moan. I gasped as he started to kiss my neck. After he had found my sweet spot, he returned to my lips. I smiled into the kiss as he pulled my shirt over my head, taking his off too.

When neither one of us could breath, Jeremy pulled away and pressed his forehead to mine. "I love you, Y/N. Writer's block and all."

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