The Bet Part 2- Winn Schott

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I called into work sick for the next week and a half. Winn tried calling and texting but I just turned my phone off. Whenever he tried to stop by, I ignored his constant knocking. I did all this with tears constantly streaming down my cheeks.

I jumped when there was a knock at my door. I ignored it and buried myself deeper into the couch. When the person knocked again, I bit my lip trying to stop the tears.

"Y/N, it's me. Open up," Kara yelled through the door.

I didn't answer. I just pulled my blanket over my head. I jumped when I heard my door being ripped off the hinges. I got off the couch and turned around to see Kara standing in the doorway, with my door in her hands.

"Kara!" I yelled. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I'm sorry. . . Y/N, I. . . I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. . . I just wanted to check on you. . .I'll fix it." She rushed out. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to calm down.

"Kara," I said softly. I opened my eyes and whispered, "Please leave." I turned around and sat back down on the couch. I tucked my knees underneath me as I clutched a pillow to my chest.

"Y/N," Kara sighed, following me into the other room. "I didn't mean to break your door and I'll fix it, I promise but. . . I came to check on you. Winn is. . ."

"I don't care!" I yelled as tears filled my eyes. They streamed down my cheeks as I looked up at her. "I don't care if he sent you," I said lowering my voice.

"Y/N," Kara said sadly as she sat next to me. Before she could say anything else, I cut her off.

"Let me tell you what happened. They both asked me out, I said yes to Winn. Then I found out that he and Mon-El made a bet that one could get me to go out with them before the other. They used me. . . He used me."

"Y/N," she started.

"No, Kara. I don't want to talk about this anymore," I said as I stood up. "Please, just go." I left Kara standing in my front room, my door still in her hands.


The next morning, I woke up and showered even though I wasn't planning on going to work. I'm sure James would understand why his intern wasn't going to show up for work. Once I was ready, I decided to call James.

"You still sick?" James said when he answered.

"James," I sighed.

"Look, kiddo, I'm not going to insist that you come in or convince you to forgive those two for what they did. What I am going to do is tell you that Winn is not like Mon-El."

"What do you mean?" I sighed.

"I mean, maybe you should talk to Winn and get his side of the story."

After James hung up, I looked outside my bedroom window to see that it had snowed last night. I smiled and decided to go to the kitchen and make some hot chocolate. I grabbed my favorite fuzzy blanket, sat on the couch with my mug and turned on Netflix.

I jumped when there was a tapping sound. I looked over at my window to see Winn on my fire escape. "Winn?" I gasped.

I jumped up, wrapped my blanket around my shoulders and walked to the firescape. I opened the window and instantly felt the cold breeze. Winn was already shivering and his lips were blue.

"Winn, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked as I tightened the blanket around me.

"I'm sorry," he shivered. "Please, just hear my out. I didn't want to go through with the bet. . . I told him no, but. . . He kept suggesting that every time I talked to you I was. . . Playing some angle, but I wasn't. . . I swear Y/N, I wasn't." I felt guilty as he shivered.

"Winn. . . This is. . ." I sighed. "This is crazy. Come in." I grabbed his cold hand and helped him inside. Once he stepped in, I took off my blanket and wrapped it around him. "Go sit down," I said as I closed the window. "I'll make you some hot chocolate."

He sat down as I went to the kitchen and made him a cup. I walked back into the living room and handed it to him. "What were you thinking? Climbing up my fire escape in 10 degree weather," I said as I paced back and forth in front of him.

"You wouldn't answer your door. Or my texts. Or my calls," he said still shivering.

"Do not blame this on me." I stopped pacing and turned to see him smiling at me. His smile fell when he saw the hurt in my eyes.

He put his mug on the coffee table and the blanket fell from his shoulders as he stood up. "I wasn't lying to you, Y/N."

"You made a bet that one of you could get me to agree to go out with him before the other," I said, cutting him off. "I have every right to be upset."

"You're right," Winn said. He hesitating before walking over and taking my warm hands in his cold ones. "Y/N, I swear to you, I wasn't trying to win the bet. I wasn't trying to make a move. I just wanted to have dinner with the girl I've had a crush on for practically ever. From the minute I met her. I'm not lying to you, Y/N. I would never lie to you."

I studied his eyes, trying to see if he was telling me the truth. The hope, the regret, the softness of his eyes made me believe him.

"You still free for dinner?"

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