Meeting You-Clyde Barrow

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"Damn it! You piece of shit! Start you son of a. . ."

"You don't usually hear that kinda talk comin' from a lady."

I looked up to see a boy leaning against a tree, amusement clear in his voice. "What do you want?" I said turning my attention back to my car.

"Well, I was takin' a lovely stroll, like I often do, when I thought I heard a sailor. But, turns out it was a lady." He said walking around my car and stopping behind me. I looked over my shoulder and narrowed my eyes when I saw him looking me up and down.

"Do you mind?" I said turning around quickly, putting my hands on my hips. "I am trying to fix my car. I don't need some forest rat undressing me with his eyes."

"Forest rat? Don't you think that's a little. . ."

"Spot on," I said, cutting him off and turning back around. I heard him laugh as he walked up next to me.

"What seems to be the problem, miss?"

"I don't know," I sighed wiping the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand. I looked over at him when he laughed. "What?" I sighed, losing my patience with this boy.

"Nothin'. You just got a little somethin'. . ."I gasped when he reached foreword and wiped something off my forehead. When he pulled away, he showed me the grease on his finger. "How can I let a lady walk around with dirt on her face?" He smirked as he sent me a wink.

I groaned before reaching through the window and grabbing my handbag. I turned on my heel and started walking home. "Hey! Where ya going?" He laughed as he ran and caught up to me.

"Home. Somewhere someone useful can help me," I said sending him a look.

"Well, what kind of fella would I be if I allowed a lady like yourself walk along the road all by her lonesome?"

"I can take care of myself."

"I bet you can," he laughed. "Still, it's dangerous out here."

I let out a groan as I stopped walking. "Look, I don't know who you are..."

"Clyde Barrow. Nice to meet ya," he said interrupting me.

"or who you think you are, but I am more than capable of taking care of myself. So please, leave me alone." With that I stormed off, headed towards home.

The next day, I woke up and went to work. When rush hour finally came to an end, I allowed myself to relax. I wiped down the counter, unaware of the customer that walked in. My back was to the door as I put away the dirty rags.

"It was quite rude to leave a man stranded on the side of the road." I groaned when I recognized the voice that made last night worse.

"How did you find me?" I groaned as I slowly turned around.

"Your apron," he said gesturing towards the apron wrapped around my waist. He laughed at the puzzled look on my face. "You are wearing the waitress uniform and this is the best diner in town. And I knew a lady like yourself would work at a fine establishment like this one. Why do you work here? You should be living in a penthouse, surrounded by servants, not working until you're hands bleed."

"Look, the reason I work here is my business. There is nothing wrong with women working."

"Hey, I didn't say that." He said putting his hands up in defense. "I think it is extremely attractive when a woman takes charge."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "You still haven't told me your name. And much to my dismay, you ain't wearing a name tag." He smirked.

"There is a reason for that," I smiled walking around the counter and clearing off some tables. I ignored as he followed behind me.

"What's wrong with you telling me your name?"

"Names are a powerful thing. Once you know my name, you are in my life." I turned around quickly making him almost bump into me. "And that is something I do not want."

"You sure about that?" he said softly, taking a step towards me.

"Yes," I said softly. I gasped when he put his hands on my waist. I bit my lip as he looked at my eyes before looking at my lips. I gasped when I notice him start to lean in. Suddenly, his lips touched mine. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

"Bonnie. Bonnie Parker," I said when we pulled apart after neither one of us could breath.

He reached up and rubbed his thumb across my cheek. "Nice to meet you, Bonnie Parker." He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

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