The Truth Part 2-Winn Schott

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Winn's POV

When I went home that night, Y/N wasn't there. I walked through the house and relaxed a little as I saw that all of her stuff was still in our shared apartment. I tried calling her several times, but she didn't answer. I couldn't really blame her. If I was in her shoes, I'd be pissed too.

I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was how I had let the girl I love down. "Dude, you look like shit." James laughed as he came towards my desk the next morning. I ignored him as he leaned against the corner of my desk and folded his arm across his chest. "So, what's going on my friend? Everything okay?

"Not really," I groaned, finally looking at him. "And it's kind of your fault."

"What? How is it my fault?"

"When you called last night, I was with Y/N. I'm always with her when you or Kara call. But last night, she followed me to the van. I told her who you are and she didn't believe me."

"You told her?" He yelled softly, cutting me off.

"What was I suppose to do? You should have seen how hurt she was! Besides, now she is gone and I have no idea where she is." I stood up and walked past Kara, ignoring her concerned look and headed towards the balcony.

I stepped outside and tried to control my breathing. I took out my phone and tried calling Y/N one more time. I sighed when it went straight to voicemail.

"Winn?" I turned to see James joining me on the balcony.

"I'm not going to apologize for telling Y/N so don't even ask. Plus she didn't believe me so you're in the clear. All I care about is finding her and trying to explain to her what we have been doing without making her run even farther away from me. I can't get a hold of her and I have no idea where to find her. And I'm freaking out."

"I know where she is," he said softly.

"What?" Instead of saying anything, he just showed me his phone. On it was a live news cast of an alien attack happening right now, downtown.

"No," I gasped when I recognized that the building that was under attack was where Y/N worked. As the video went on, I noticed that it wasn't just an alien. It was the White Martian disguised as Y/N's boss and he had taken everyone hostage.

"I think it's time Y/N meets the Guardian." I looked up to see James sending me a mischievous smirk.


As we drove downtown, all I could think about was Y/N. Mainly on why the White Martian would disguise himself as her boss. Who was he after? And please let it not be Y/N.

As we got to the building, we could see police cars and ambulances surrounding the building and people flooding the street. I quickly got out of the car and ran towards the office building.

"Excuse me sir," a cop stopped me. "You can't go in there."

"No you don't understand! My girlfriend is in there."

"Let him through." I turned to see James in his Guardian suit standing behind me. The officer looked between me and James before allowing us to pass. Suddenly the crowd cheered as Supergirl landed next to us.

"I'm kind of hurt you guys didn't invite me to this party."

"Kara, Y/N is inside." I whispered making her smile fall.

"Don't worry, Winn. Y/N is going to be fine. James and I will make sure of that." Kara said, walking over to me and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"What if. . . What if she's not? What if she gets hurt?" My voice broke as tears stung my eyes.

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