The Truth- Winn Schott

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Ever since Winn has been hanging around Kara, I see him less and less. I've tried not to be jealous, especially after he has assured me there is nothing going on, but it's hard. Wouldn't you be jealous if your boyfriend all of a sudden started hanging out with this other beautiful girl? It's not that he just hangs out with her, he's canceled dates and run out on our movie nights to go "help" her.

Tonight we actually made it through dinner before Winn's phone went off. He looked at me with guilt in his eyes before standing up and going into the other room to get his phone. I heard him talk indiscreetly as I stood up, cleared the table and started to wash the dishes.

I was putting the dishes in the dishwasher when I heard Winn walk back into the kitchen. I turned around and saw he had on his jacket and was slipping on his shoes. He opened his mouth to explain, but I cut him off. "Let me guess. Kara needs you for some "IT issue" and she needs you right away."

"Y/N," he started but I just shook my head.

"Don't worry about it, Winn. Good luck." I said turning around and finishing the dishes.

Winn walked over and put his hands on my shoulders, turning me back around. "Y/N, honey. You know nothing is going on between Kara and I. Y/N, I would never cheat on you. Please tell me you know that."

"I know, Winn. You better go. Don't want to keep Kara waiting." I said brushing past him and heading upstairs. I stopped at the top of the stairs and heard him sigh before leaving the apartment.

Before I could stop myself, I threw on my jacket and slipped on my shoes. I grabbed my purse before making my way out of the apartment and towards the street. I saw Winn's red hoodie run down the street. I slowly followed behind him, careful to stay far enough so he wouldn't see me.

My eyes narrowed when I realized we weren't anywhere near Kara's apartment or Cat Grant's office. "Where are you going, Schott?" I stopped in my tracks when I saw him jump into the back of a black van. I looked around before walking towards the van. I stood outside it, trying to hear what was going on.

I got angry as I thought about all the times he has ran out on me and left me with little to no explanation why. I had finally had it wth all the lies and the secrets and the running out. I yanked the door open, causing Winn to jump. "Y/N! What are you. . . What are you doing here?" He stuttered, nervously.

"So this is what you do on your Saturday nights. Other than lying to your girlfriend." I crossed my arms across my chest as he nervously opened and closed his mouth. I shook my head back and forth before jumping out of the van.

"Y/N, wait!" He called out, trying to catch up to me.

"I can't believe you!" I yelled, turning around causing him to almost bump into me.

"I can explain," he said putting his hands up.

"Explain? Explain what? How you sneak off to do who knows what in the back of a sketchy van? Or how you have lied to me? Or how for weeks I thought you were actually cheating on me? But this. . . This is so much worse! You have done nothing but lie to me Winn, so please explain to me what the hell is going on." I was practically out of breath by the time I was done yelling.

I looked at Winn's face as he opened and closed his mouth, unsure of what to say. "Please, Winn," I said my voice breaking. "Please just say something."

"I work with the Guardian."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You've gotta be kidding me." I turned around and started to leave. Winn chased after me and grabbed my hand, spinning me around.

"I'm not lying, Y/N. I work for the Guardian. I sit in this van and talk to him through an earpiece."

"You talk to the Guardian? What? Are you his sidekick? You fight along side him, saving people? Cut the bullshit, Winn. What's really going on?"

"I swear to you, Y/N. I help the Guardian by monitoring the police scanners and traffic cams."

"Police scanners and traffic cams? You hack into the police scanners and traffic cams? Winn. . . I can't do this."

"Can't do this? Can't do what Y/N?" He asked softly.

"I can't keep up with all of your lies. I. . . I'm done." I pulled my hand out of his grasp and walked away.

This time, he didn't chase after me.

Part 2 Coming Soon

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