Faking Siblings- Jeremy Jordan

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Dedicated to Virginia_Lewis. It's a little different lol, but close. Requests are open!

"Alex! You need to shut it down, now!" David Harewood recited from behind the camera.

"I'm trying! Every time I get through one fire wall, another one comes up." Chyler said her line as she typed on the prop computer.

"Maybe. . . Maybe I can help," I stuttered.

"You shouldn't be here," she warned, looking at me over her shoulder.

"I can help," I said, stepping towards her.

"Alex! We don't have time! Just go with it!" David yelled.

She stepped aside, making room for me. I put the computer in my lap and started randomly typing. I started mouthing formulas, like the script said.

"We're running out of time!" David persisted.

As the countdown said 0:03 seconds, I hit the space bar making it turn from red to green. "Done," I said simply.

"How did you. . ." Chyler gasped.

"I have a PHD in Computer Analytics. I also hacked my brother's computer all the time when I was younger," I said making Chyler laugh

"And cut!" The director yelled.

I started working on Supergirl last week. Hank asks my character to join the DEO after the scene we just shot. She becomes a field agent who specializes in computers. Her job is to work close with Winn and Supergirl.

Which means Jeremy and I are supposed to work well together. We are supposed to have this brother/sister relationship. There's only one problem with that-neither one of us can stand the other.

I walked off the set and thanked the stagehand when she handed me a water. I walked over to my chair and started scrolling through social media. I waited for the crew to finish setting up for the next scene.

"Hey, Y/N." I looked up from my phone to see Melissa walking over.

"Hey Mel," I smiled, putting my phone in my back pocket.

"You ready for today's scene?" She asked, sending me a knowing look.

"Well, today Jeremy and my characters are suppose to work together which means I have to stand next to him."

"You say you hate him, but I think you actually love him."

"What?" I gasped. "That's. . . That's disgusting. . . Him and me?" I laughed a little too forced. I stopped laughing when Jeremy walked onto set.

"Alright, Y/N and Jeremy you're up," said the director.

"Have fun," Melissa said in a song-songy voice.

"Shut up." I cleared my throat as I walked on set.


When we finished the scene, I was about to head home when I got a call. I looked down at the unknown number confused. "Y/N, you alright?" Mehcad asked.

"Yeah," I stuttered. I cleared my throat before answering. "Hello?"

"Miss Y/L/N?"

"Yes?" I said, getting nervous.

"I'm calling regarding your parents. They were in a car accident. We did everything we could, but. . ."

"No," I gasped.

"I'm so sorry Miss Y/L/N. Your mother died at the scene and your father died on the surgery table." I couldn't hear the rest of what she was saying to me. All I could hear was a loud ringing as the phone slipped out of my hands.

"Y/N?" Mehcad gasped when the phone hit the ground. He gently touched my shoulder and sighed, "Are you okay?"

"My parents," I said so softly I was surprised anybody heard me. Through the tears I saw Jeremy look over at us. He walked over as Mehcad stepped in front of me and grabbed my hands.

"What about them?" He asked, softly. I felt like the whole room froze as everyone turned towards me.

"Y/N? You okay? Mehcad, what's going on?" Was it just me or did Jeremy sound nervous?

"They're. . . They're dead." A sob escaped my lips as I collapsed. Mehcad quickly caught me in his arms and led me to the couch we had just used in a scene.

"Y/N," Mehcad hesitated as he helped me sit down. He slowly pulled away and caught a tear with his thumb. "Y/N, what happened?"

"I. . . I don't know. I just got a call from the. . .the hospital back home. They were in a car accident and they. . . They didn't make it," I said as I started sobbing.

Jeremy sat next to us. "It's going to be okay, Y/N." He hesitated before grabbing my hand

"I just. . ." I stuttered pulling away. "I can't do this right now." Before anyone could stop me, I stood up and ran towards my trailer. I shut the door behind me and leaned against it, covering my mouth to stifle the sob.

I jumped when there was a knock at the door. "Y/N? Hey, open up. It's me."

I stood up and wiped the tears. I took a deep breath before opening the door. I was surprised to see a nervous Jeremy standing in front of my door. "Hey," I said, my voice sounding like I had just drank sand.

"How. . Are you. . . Do you need anything?"

"I don't know," I said honestly as more tears built up. When he saw the tears start to stream down my cheeks, he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

I tried to take deep, calming breaths as we just stood there in each other's arms. I thought about how nice this felt, how safe I felt. Jeremy pulled away, reached up and caught a tear with his thumb.

"It's going to be okay," he said softly. "I promise."

"How do you know that?" I asked as my voice broke.

"Because I know you," he shrugged with a small laugh. The smile fell from his lips as he reached up and caught another tear. "Look," he sighed, "I know you probably think I hate you, but. . . I don't. And no one should have to go through this. Especially not alone. I am so sorry, Y/N. I just want you to know that if you ever need anything, and I mean anything, I'll always be here for you."

I smiled for what felt like the first time all day as I pulled Jeremy into a tight hug. "Thank you," I whispered as I tightened my arms around him. I smiled again as I heard him laugh.

"What are fake siblings for?"

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