To The Moon and Back-Jeremy Jordan

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I started out singing in bars and country clubs and now I sell out concert halls within minutes. I was recently asked to write an original song for the upcoming movie, Joyful Noise.

I was excited and nervous to be writing a song that the famous Dolly Parton would be the one singing it. I was excited until I discovered that another person would be singing and playing my song on the guitar. It was the one and only Jeremy Jordan.

Jeremy and I have a long, semi-complicated history. We grew up together, practically joined at the hip. We were best friends. That was until I realized freshman year of high school that I had feelings for him. I didn't tell him right away. I couldn't.

The day I finally got the courage to tell him how I felt was also the day he revealed that he was moving to New York to pursue acting. It wasn't just the day he told me he was moving, it was right after I had already told him how I felt.

Instead of letting him explain himself, I ran. I haven't spoken to him since.

I was discovered and moved to LA a year before Jeremy. Even though we were both in the same city, he never looked for me just like I never looked for him. I've been busy writing songs and performing in concerts while Jeremy has been busy making a name for himself.

Now I was on my way to perform the song for the cast of Joyful Noise. My leg bounced nervously as the car the director sent to pick me up pulled up to the same studio I recorded at.

"If it isn't my favorite tenant."

"Hey, Carl," I laughed as I walked into the studio.

"Your audience is waiting in group studio B," he smiled.

"Thank you." I started to head to studio B when Carl called me back.

"Y/N, you do know who is in there right?" He said, sending me a knowing look.

"Yeah, I know," I sighed.

I walked down the hallway, trying not to think about all the pain I felt when Jeremy left. When I got to the studio, I took a deep breath before opening the door.

"There's our girl!" Todd Graff, the director, cheered when I walked in.

"Hi, Todd." I smiled as he gave me a hug. "Sorry I'm late. I had a meeting with my tour manager." The whole time, I felt Jeremy's eyes on me, but refused to look at him.

"No problem at all. We weren't waiting long. Plus we had other songs we rehearsed. What can you tell us about your song?" Todd asked.

"Well," I cleared my throat. I took off my jacket and hung in on one of the chairs. I grabbed my notebook with the lyrics and flipped to the page. "The song is titled, From Here to the Moon and Back. With the storyline and G.G.'s background, I decided to write the song as a dedication between lovers. They are willing to do anything for the one they love."

For the first time since I walked in, I looked at Jeremy. The second our eyes met, I quickly looked away. I looked back down at the lyrics written in my notebook as I felt tears threaten to build.

"Well, we are excited to hear it," Queen Latifah smiled, causing me to look up.

"I'm excited for you to hear it," I smiled as I walked into the booth with Steve closely behind.

"You ready?" He whispered, giving me a knowing look.

"I'm fine," I whispered back. I cleared my throat as I turned my attention to the window where everyone was watching Steve and me. "The song is a duet. In the beginning of the song, it's a duet between G.G and Randy, then it switches to a duet between G.G. and Bernard."

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