The Intruder-Jeremy Jordan

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I was the kind of girl who never wanted to leave home. I always loved where I lived. My best friend, Jeremy always talked about how one day he would make it big. And he did.

While he went out and became a famous Broadway star and later made it to the big screen, I stayed in Corpus Christi, Texas. I've been working at the local diner while getting my teaching degree.

It was Thanksgiving break and the diner was extra busy with all the college kids home and extended families in town. By the end of the day, my feet were killing me. "Damn! This is why I dread the holidays," my coworker Anna laughed as we cleaned the diner after it was closed.

She suddenly stopped laughing. "Oh, Y/N I didn't mean anything."

"It's fine," I shrugged as I went into the back room and got my bag. This time last year, my mom passed away from breast cancer. My dad ran out on us when I was little and when my mom died I was having a hard time paying the rent.

After about two months of me working three jobs, I lost the house. Luckily Jeremy's mom, Debbie welcomed me with open arms. The same day I received the notice, his mom came over with boxes. I tried to get her to allow me to pay rent but she refused.

Soon, I was pulling into the driveway. I sighed as I got out of the car and headed inside. "Hey, sweetheart." Debbie smiled as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Debbie," I smiled. "Where is everyone?"

"Joey is at a party and Jessa is at her friend's house."

After dinner, I headed upstairs and started some homework. After hours of homework and when I got to the point that I could barely keep my eyes open, I put my books away and went to bed. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard some crashing coming from downstairs.

I tip toed out of my room and saw the kitchen light was on. I gasped when I heard another crash. I looked around for anything I could use to protect myself against this robber. I smiled when I saw Joey's baseball bat leaning against the wall.

"Thank you Joey for never putting away your baseball equipment," I mumbled as I picked up his bat. I quietly made my way down the stairs. I held my breath as I stepping into the kitchen. I saw the person going through the fridge.

"Get out," I said as strongly as I could. I held my breath as the man stood up.

"Jeremy?" I gasped.

"Y/N?" He said with a chicken leg in his mouth.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper/yelled.

"Me?" He questioned, taking the chicken out of his mouth and closing the fridge. "This is my mom's house. What are you doing here?"

"I umm. . . I moved in with your mom last year." I stuttered, realizing that we haven't really had the chance to talk about it.

"Wait, what? Why?" Suddenly, his eyes widened. "Oh, Y/N" he sighed. "I'm sorry. That was. . .super insensitive of me. And I call myself your best friend. Wait, why are you holding a baseball bat?" He laughed.

"I thought you were an intruder," I said, putting the bat down. "Jackass," I said under my breath.

"I heard that," he said smirking at me. My eyes widened when he walked around the table, towards me.

"Don't," I said pointing at him. I gasped when he started running towards me. He chased me into the family room. We ran around the coffee table before he wrapped his arms around my waist. He gently pushed me onto the couch. He started tickling me as he climbed on top of me.

"Jeremy!" I laughed. "Stop!"

"Not until you take back what you said."

"Okay, okay! I take it back!"

"There," he smiled as he stopped tickling me. "Was that so hard?" I gasped when I noticed his hands were pressed against the couch cushions. One by my head and the other one by my waist.

He smiled down at me. Suddenly the smile fell from his lips. "I'm sorry about your mom. And I'm sorry I wasn't here for you. I'm the worst best friend in the history of best friends."

"You are not," I sighed. He finally got off me and helped me sit up. I reached over to intertwine our fingers and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"It actually wasn't too hard. I mean the first couple of months were extremely hard. I was working three jobs, busting my ass and ended up losing my mom's house. The day I got that foreclosure letter, was awful. I lost my dad, I lost my mom and now I was loosing my childhood home." I couldn't help the tears that began streaming down my cheeks.

Jeremy began rubbing circles on the back of my hand as I continued. "But then your mom came over with a car full of boxes. We talked as we packed up my house. She took me in, Jer. Your mom welcomed me in without a second thought. She has been amazing these past couple of months. She hasn't replaced my mom, but she. . . She became one."

"I'm glad to hear that, Y/N. I really am. I wouldn't have it any other way," he said as he brought our hands up to his lips and gently kissed the back of it.

"How's Hollywood?" I asked, changing the subject and ignoring the burning in my cheeks. I sat back up and turned towards him. I tucked my legs under myself as he laughed.

"It's good. But, I've been missing home. Missing you," he winked. I bit my lip as my cheeks turned red. My eyes widened when I saw his eyes drift down to my lips before looking back at my eyes.

"I've missed you too," I said as he leaned forward. He reached up and cupped my cheek.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you. I constantly think about what you could be doing, how you could be doing, even if you were hanging out with anyone. A part of me was worried you'd replace me."

"I could never replace you," I said before he pressed his lips to mine. My heart fluttered as he pulled me closer.

"Jeremy," I gasped, pulling away. "What are we doing?" I whispered.


I couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, but I mean. . . You're leaving soon. And I. . ."

"Y/N," he said cutting me off. "You have been my best friend since the first grade. But you have been the love of my life since freshman year. When that dick Mike dumped you, and you called me in tears, I was so angry. Before I went to your house, even before I went to the store and got you all your favorite treats, I drove to his house and threatened him." I couldn't help but laugh.

"When you opened your front door," he continued with a smile on his face, "I got this strong protective feeling. I wanted more than anything to make you smile. And when you fell asleep in my arms? It was then that I realized how much I cared about you. How much I loved you."

"I love you too," I smiled as he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine.

As the kiss got heated Jeremy laid us down, him hovering over me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as our lips moved in sync. I moaned as he started kissing my neck. I felt him smirk when he found my sweet spot.

Jeremy slipped his hand that wasn't supporting himself under my shirt. I gasped as his cold fingers touched my skin. As his hand slide higher and higher, his fingers dancing across my skin, he lips moved back to mine. We gasped when the light turned on.

"Oh!" We look towards the source of the gasp to see Jeremy's mom standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"Oh ummm. . . Hey Mom," Jeremy smiled. I bit my lip as I noticed he was still on top of me. He looked down at me and his eyes widened. As he climbed off me, I fixed my shirt and sat up. I looked over at Debbie to see her smiling.

"Well," she said clearing her throat. "It's about damn time."

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