Saving Crutchie Part 2-Jack Kelly

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Jack's POV

We all watched as the carriage, holding Y/N, drove away. I felt helpless as it got further and further down the road.

"Too bad about your girlfriend." Oscar laughed, making my blood boil.

"Yeah. A pretty thing like that ain't gonna last in the Refuge," Morris added. I turned towards him and punched him in the nose as hard as I could. Before I could stop myself I was on top of him, throwing punch after punch.

"Don't talk about Y/N like that, you worthless son of a bitch!" I yelled as Davey and Race pulled me off him. When I was on my feet, I angrily pulled my arms out of their hold and turned on my heel.

After trying to visit Y/N but was unsuccessful, I found myself at Miss Medda's theater. I was getting my paint supplies out when she walked towards me. Before she could say anything, I spoke up.

"They took her. They took Y/N. They took my Y/N! And it's all my fault. I shouldn't have let her anywhere near Newsies Square, but you know what she's like. Even if I had told her she wasn't allowed to come, she woulda come anyway. Still. . . I shoulda protected her. I shouldn't have let her fight. Now she is at the Refuge. The Refuge! We both know what happens there. They are going to take terrible care of her! I tried to go visit her, to see if I can get her out of there or. . . at least let her know that I'm going to save her. But I was caught before I could reach the window. I have to get her out of there, Miss Medda. They'll. . . They're going to hurt her."

"Oh, Jack." I turned to see Miss Medda holding her arms open. I put down the paintbrush I was holding and hugged her. "It's going to be okay. Y/N is a strong girl. She is going to be fine until you can break her out of that terrible place."

I pulled away and laughed. "Aren't you suppose to be telling me not to break into a secure jail? Especially to break someone out?"

"Probably," she shrugged. "But it's Y/N. That changes things." She laughed before walking away.

I picked up the paintbrush again but was interrupted. "Hey, Jack." I turned to see Davy and Les walk into the theater.

"Hi," I mumbled as I started painting.

"Have you gone to see Y/N?" Davey hesitated to ask.

"I tried." I sighed. "Couldn't even get to the window. But it doesn't matter. It shouldn't have been her. I should be the one beaten up at the Refuge. Not Y/N. Not my Y/N. She's too good for that good-for-nothin' hellhole. She's too good for this city. She. . . She deserves a big life in a small town, not a small life in a big city. We. . . We gotta get her out of there!" I said throwing my paintbrush down and pacing back and forth.

"We will! Some of the guys have already started planing how we are going to get her out." Davey started to explain their plan but I cut him off.

"No! No no no no no! No one else is going to get involved. It's my fault that she is there in the first place. I ain't risking anyone else gettin' hurt. I am gonna to get her out of there." I started to leave, but he stopped me.

"You should talk to Crutchie."

"What? Why? Is he okay?" I asked, getting worried.

"Well, he has been at your penthouse since earlier today and won't talk to anyone. He's been acting weird. I think it has something to do with how they took Y/N. I think he feels guilty."

Without another word, I left the theater and ran towards the Lodging House. I made my way to the fire escape and saw Crutchie looking over the ledge. When I walked closer, I sighed when I noticed him looking at the Refuge.

"Hey," I said. I sighed when he had no reaction to me joining him.

"Did. . . Did you see her?" He asked slowly.

"Y/N? I tried. . . "

He quickly turned towards me, his eyes watering. "You tried?"

"Couldn't even get to the window,"
I shrugged, trying to lighten the mood. "The Delancy brothers stopped me."

"This is all my fault. She saved me. It should have been me. I'm the one who the Delancy brothers shoulda pounded. I'm the one who should be at the Refuge right now, not Y/N. She didn't even hurt anyone. The only reason she fought the Delancys was because she was protecting me." He continued to ramble, with his back to me.

"Hey," I sighed, playfully hitting his shoulder. I walked next to him and put my arm around his shoulder. "Crutch, this isn't your fault. Y/N wouldn't want you blaming yourself. Y/N is going to be fine. She's a strong girl."

As I stood, looking over the city with my arm around Crutchie, I couldn't help but wonder if Y/N knew that we all thought of her in that way. And if she knew I would do anything to save her.


I waited across the street until the lights in the Refuge went out. I was about to walk to the other side when I noticed someone walking in front of the front doors. "Jack?"

"Davey? Race? What are you two doing here?"

"We're here to help." Race smiled.

"I told you I didn't want anyone else getting involved." I sighed.

"I'm sorry Jack, but Y/N is our friend too. We are going to help you, whether you like it or not." Davey said with a slight smirk.

I took a deep breath before nodding. "Fine, but we do it my way." I said before walking across the street. They followed me as we quietly made our way up the fire escape. When we got to the window, I saw Y/N laying on a bed not too far from the window.

"Y/N," Davey gasped. Race was about to knock on the window when two guards walked into the room. We ducked down, hoping they didn't see us. We waited a few minutes before sitting back up. When we did, we saw Y/N with fresh blood dripping from her mouth, slowly lay back down.

"They hit her. Those sons of bitches hit her." I said, getting angry. Before Davey could stop me, I opened the window and stepped inside. Some of the kids looked at me confused. I put my finger to my lips telling them to be quiet as I made my way over to Y/N.

"Y/N," I whispered kneeling down in front of her bed. I gently reached up and moved some hair out of her face.

"Jack?" She whispered, opening her eyes.

"It's me, Y/N." I smiled rubbing my finger across her cheek.

"What are you. . . ." She gasped when she tried to sit up. I helped her sit up as she continued, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm getting you out here," I smiled as I helped her stand up.

"What?" She gasped. "Jack, I can't just leave. They'll notice."

"I'm not leaving you here, Y/N."

"Jack," she said stopping me. "I can't leave."

"Y/N, I am not leaving you here! Okay! I love you and there is no way I am going to walk back down that fire escape without you. I just won't." She looked at me before smiling.

"You love me?" She said softly.

"Of course I love you," I said carefully cupping her cheek. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. When we pulled apart, I sighed. "Please let me take you away from here. Let me take you home." As she nodded, I carefully picked her up bridal style. I smiled as she leaned her head against my shoulder.

"I got you," I whispered as I walked towards the window were Davey and Race were waiting for us.

She reached up and cupped my cheek in her hand making me look down at her. "Thank you," she whispered.

"Anything for you."

Jeremy Jordan ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora