The Assault- Winn Schott

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I walked into the DEO, hands shaking. I looked around as everyone walked around like normal; something I was unable to do after last night.

"Y/N!" I jumped slightly as Winn called out my name. I faked a smile as he ran over. I bit my tongue to keep from calling out in pain as he wrapped me in an excited and tight hug.

"We caught the White Martian! Last night, after you left the bar he walked in as you! Of course, I know you so I knew he wasn't you."

"Winn," I said softly.

"You put up quite a fight, I mean he put up a fight. And I have to say, you have a killer right hook."


"James even said that we should train you. That way you can go out in the field. But I said only so you can protect yourself."

"Winn!" I said harshly, cutting him off. His breath hitched when he saw the tears in my eyes.

"Y/N? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I umm. . . I was... I don't know how to say this. . . But I. . ."

"What is it?" He asked putting his hands on my arms. I gasped in pain, causing Winn's eyes to narrow. He slowly took off my jacket and gasped. "Y/N! What happened to you? Who did this?"

I took a shaky breath before whispering, "I was attacked last night."

"WHAT?!" He yelled taking a step back and looking me over for more injuries. I looked around to see people looking our way.

"What's wrong?" Alex rushed over.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Kara asked running over. I nodded but Winn cut me off before I could say anything.

"She was attacked last night." He said through gritted teeth.

"What?" The two yelled.

"Don't worry, Y/N. We are going to find the guy and he is going to end up in the hospital." Alex said through gritted teeth.

"No, I am going to kill him," Winn said tightening his knuckles.

"Guys please," I pleaded. I subconsciously wrapped my arms around my waist as I noticed people looking our way.

"Let's talk about this somewhere more private," Kara said as her eyes softened. "In fact, lets get you to the medbay. The doctor can look you over." Kara gently wrapped her arm around me and led me to the med bay. She helped me sit down on the bed as a doctor came over and started tending to my wounds. As he did, I watched as Winn, Alex, and Kara talked outside.

I was too busy watching Winn pace angrily back and forth, mumbling incoherently, to notice the doctor clean one of my cuts. I yelped in pain as he poured some antibiotics on it. When Winn heard me cry out, he ran into the room.

"What happened?" He said barging into the room, Kara and Alex running in after him.

"I'm fine. He was just cleaning my cut." I said trying to reassure Winn.

He reached up and gently touched my cheek. "What happened last night?" He whispered. The doctor looked between the two of us and left.

"After I left the bar, I couldn't get a cab so I walked home. Suddenly, I was pulled into an alley. Then this guy. . . He. . . He wouldn't stop touching me. I tried to fight him off, Winn. I really did, but he was too strong." I let out a breath, but it came out a sob.

Winn stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me. He ran his fingers through my hair as he whispered, "It's going to be okay. You're safe now. I promise."

"Don't worry, Y/N. I'll find the guy." Kara said. From over Winn's shoulder I watched Kara and Alex leave. I pulled away from Winn to see him studying my face.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked softly.

"I'm fine, Winn." I nodded.

He shook his head as he stared pacing, back and forth. "I shouldn't have let you leave on your own. I should have walked you home. This is all my fault."

"Winn," I sighed. I slowly slid off the bed and stood in front of Winn, stopping him from pacing. I reached up and touched his cheek. "It's not your fault."

"Yes it is. I promise I won't leave you, ever again. I can't. . . I can't lose you."

Without thinking, I pulled him down to me and pressed my lips to his. When he didn't kiss back, I started to pull away. Before I could, Winn wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me close.

We pulled apart when neither one of us could breathe. "I'm sorry. I promise I won't let you out of my sight. Not again.''

"Weirdly, I'm okay with that."

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