Baby Schott-Winn Schott

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"Winn?" I asked sleepily when I saw my husband standing over our newborn. "Honey, what are you doing?"

"Trying to get the courage to hold our son. . . My son." I smiled as I watched him hesitate.

"Winn, sweetheart. He is not as fragile as you think. Just pick him up," I said with a slight giggle as I slowly sat up.

"What if I'm a terrible father? Just like my dad was to me." The look on his face made my heart break.

"Baby," I sighed sadly. "Come here," I said holding my hand out. He slowly walked over to the hospital bed and sat on a chair, intertwining our hands.

I placed my finger under his chin and made him look at me instead of our hands. "You are not your father, Winn. Not even close."


"But nothing," I said cutting him off. "I know that our son is going to love you. I wouldn't have fallen in love with you if I didn't think you would be able to care for me and our kids. In fact, I knew from the moment I met you that you were going to be an amazing father. Your dad was not the best father to you and I'm sorry about that, but you will never become anything like him. And you aren't alone. We are going to do this like we have done everything since my first day at Cat Grant's office, together." He leaned down and pressed a gently kiss to my forehead. When he pulled away, I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his.

"I love you," he whispered as he pulled away and helped me lay back down. "Get some rest." I watched as he walked over and took a deep breath before picking up our son.

"My boys," I smiled as my eyes started to get heavy.

"Hey little man," I heard Winn coo. "You see that lady over there? Her name is Mom and she loves you more than anything in the world. We both do."

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