Our Future- Jack Kelly

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I paced back and forth on the roof as I waited for Jack to come back to the News Boy Lodge. My hands subconsciously wrapped around my stomach when I heard shouting and laughing signaling the end of the work day.

It took Jack a few minutes before he finally made his way to his penthouse. "Y/N! There ya are!" He laughed as he ran over, picked me up and spun me around. "How was rehearsal? I tried to stop by Medda's but she said you went home early. So then I went to your window but your sister said you weren't home. You should check on her. She seemed upset. Oh! Guess what we's did today?" He didn't wait for me to guess. "Pulitzer raised the price of the papes! Like he doesn't make enough already! So we decided to go on strike! Can yous believe that? Just like 'em Trolley workers, we formed the News Boy Union! Pulitzer is going to regret raising them prices!"

"That's great, Jack. I'm proud of you," I said turning around and watching the sun set over New York. I hadn't noticed the tears but he had.

"Y/N, baby, what's wrong?" He asked as he walked over and hugged me from behind. I couldn't help but sigh as I leaned back against him.

I took a deep breath before blurting out, "My parents kicked me out."

"What?" His outburst made me jump slightly. He gently grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. "Y/N, why did your parents kick you out?" I could see the anger boiling up in his eyes as he started pacing. "They can't just kick you out! You're their daughter. What kind of lowlife people kick their own daughter. . ."

"Because I'm pregnant."

This made him freeze. He slowly turned towards me and just stared.

I cleared my throat and explained, "Well I have been feeling kind of funny for a few weeks and a couple of days ago I found out I was late. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared, Jack. One day, at rehearsal, Medda noticed I was off. She asked me what was wrong and I just blurted out the whole thing. She promised she would take me to the doctor. She got me an appointment to see one tomorrow actually. And my mom and stepdad. . . They kicked me out when I told them I might be pregnant with. . . With your baby." I paused hoping he would say something but he just continued to stare at me.

"Look Jack, I know a baby is a lot of work. Believe me, I know. I also understand that we are just kids and now with your strike. . . I was so scared to tell you. Part of me didn't know how you would respond. And after my dad left my mom when she was pregnant with me, the part of me that didn't want to tell you kept thinking that you would be like him. That you would leave but. . . I know that's not who you are. You're the kind of boy who sticks with it. . . Who fights for what you believe in. Like this strike! But, a baby is different from a strike. So, I. . . I understand if you don't want anything to do with it. . . Or me. And. . . And I. . ." I was sobbing at this point. I stuttered, unsure of what to say next.

Jack took a step forward and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I continued to sob as Jack held me and rubbed circles on my back. After a few minutes of me crying into his vest, Jack kissed the top of my head before pulling away. He looked at my eyes before catching a tear with his thumb. "I'm not going anywhere," he whispered. "You and me, we're in this together. Now I have a new reason for this strike; to take care of you and our baby."

"But what if you get hurt?" I asked, my voice still scratchy from crying. "More and more trolley workers are being sent to the hospital! What if that happens to you? Or worse. What if Snyder catches you?! What if he finally catches you and. . ."

"He ain't gonna catch me," Jack said with a slight laugh. "Even if he does, I'll just escape," he said with a shrug like it was no big deal.

"But what if you can't?" I asked, starting to pace. "Jack, I. . . I don't think I can do this without you. I mean. . . My mother won't even talk to me. I can't raise a baby on my own."

Jack stepped in front of me, forcing me to stop pacing. "You aren't going to have to do it on your own, Y/N. If something really did happen, you'd have every Newsie in New York to take care of you. Hell, the boys will take care of you even if I'm fine. And as far as your parents kicking you out, you'll always have a home here. I'm pretty sure once the boys find out about the baby, they ain't gonna let you leave anyway. That kid is going to have more uncles than it knows how to handle," he laughed, making me smile.

"Just," I said after a few seconds of silence, "just promise me you'll be safe with the strike. Promise me you'll be smart and won't do anything stupid."

"Well I can't promise that," he said with a smirk. I playfully pushed him.

"I'm serious Jack. I want a future. With you. Don't go and screw that up." He threw his head back and laughed before wrapping me in another hug.


I couldn't help but pace as I checked the door every five minutes. Five minutes turned to four, which turned to three, which turned to two, which eventually turned to me just staring at the door.

I jumped when it finally opened and a few Newsboys stumbled in. When they saw me, they smiled weakly. I ran over and gave each one of them a hug. "Go sit down," I instructed. "I'll get some water and bandages."

As more boys came in, I tended to their wounds frequently checking the door. After an hour of caring for the boys, Davey and Les walked in.

"Y/N!" Les yelled running over and wrapping one arm around me. I kneeled down and looked him over for injuries.

"I think his shoulder is dislocated." I looked up to see Davey looking sadly at his baby brother.

I stood up and easily picked Les up in my arms. "Don't worry, Davey. He's gonna be fine," I whispered. I walked, with Les in my arms, to an open bed. I placed him down as I started to tend to his wounds. As I wrapped his arm in a sling, I felt Davey right behind me. "All done," I smiled.

"Thanks Y/N," Les smiled. When I stood up I bit my lip before asking Davey the question I had been dying to ask.

"Davey," I stuttered. "Have. . . Where is. . ."

"They got Crutchie."

"What?" My heart dropped as I turned around and saw all the Newsies looking at me with sad and defeated looks.

"Snyder. . . He took Crutchie." Davey said slowly.

I instantly started to run out the door, but Davey was faster than I was. "Y/N, wait." He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Let me go!" I yelled trying to get out of his grasp.

"Y/N, calm down. There's no use. We can't save him. At least not right now." I stopped fighting and turned around once he had loosen his grip on me.

"Where's Jack?" When he didn't answer I asked again, with more urgency. "Davey, look at me! Where is Jack?"

"I. . . I don't know." My heart dropped as he continued. "I tried looking for him but. . . Les was hurt and. . . I'm sorry, Y/N."

"No," I gasped. " No no no," I repeated over and over again. I backed myself up against the wall and covered my mouth, muffling the sob, while wrapping my other arm protectively around my stomach.

"Y/N." Davey took a step towards me, but I quickly ran past him and towards Jack's penthouse.

Part 2 Coming Soon

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