The Phone Call-Winn Schott

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Winn's POV

The DEO was quiet. Not to the point where it's too quiet, just to the point where it's boring quiet. I was currently filling my time with video games and emailing James about our plans for the weekend.

I was focused on my game when suddenly, my phone started ringing. I looked at my phone and smiled as I saw my girlfriend's name flash across the screen. "Hey baby," I smiled as I answered the phone. "Do you want to go out to dinner tonight? Chinese sounds really good. Or we can go to our favorite pizza place. Unless you are in the mood for Mexican. What sounds good to you babe?"

"Winn?" My heart stopped when I heard how scared she was.

"Y/N? Honey, what's going on?" I tightened my fists until my knuckles turned white as I heard her sob into the phone. I tried to keep my voice steady. "Y/N? Baby, are you okay? Please answer me."

"Winn," she said so soft I almost missed it. "He's drunk."

"Who's drunk, baby?" I asked as my hands began to hurt.

"My. . . My dad. . . He's drunk and I think. . ." She was cut off by a crashing noise causing her to scream.

"Y/N!" I jumped up, ignoring the looks from my coworkers. "What's going on? Y/N?" I  quickly started heading to the elevator but bumped into Kara.

"Winn, what's going on?" Kara whispered.

"I think he's going to hurt me!" Y/N sobbed into the phone. This made me freeze. Kara's eyes widened, signaling she heard Y/N.

"No. I won't let that happen, Y/N. I'm on my way. I'll be there soon, okay? Stay in your room or wherever you feel safest. I'll be there as fast as I can."

"Wait! Don't hang up on me. Please Winn, please don't hang up on me." She sobbed into the phone.

"I won't. I promise. I'll stay on the phone until I get to your house, okay?"

I opened my mouth to say something to Kara, but she spoke before I could. "I'll get you there."

Before I knew it, Kara and I were landing in Y/N's driveway. I jumped when we heard a crash followed by a scream. Y/N's scream. "Y/N," I said under my breath.

"Don't worry. Y/N's going to be fine." Kara said trying to calm me down. Before Kara could say anything else, I ran into the house. At that point I didn't care what Y/N's father did to me as long as I got him away from her. I opened the door and immediately ran towards Y/N's room. I froze when I noticed the door open a little.

I slowly pushed open her door and had to control my anger as I saw Y/N's dad pounding on her bathroom door. "Open the damn door, you useless bitch!"

"Hey!" I yelled. "Leave her alone!" My breath got caught in my throat as he turned towards me. I saw the red in his eyes and could practically smell the alcohol from where I was standing.

"Who the hell are you?" He scoffed, chugging another beer. "Oh, wait. You're Winn aren't you? I guess that bitch actually does have a boyfriend. I thought she was lying," he chuckled.

I ducked when he threw his now empty beer can at me. I gasped when Kara caught it.

"Get Y/N out of here. I'll take care of her father." Kara instructed as Y/N's father drunkingly tried to throw a punch.

I quickly made my way to the bathroom and gently knocked on the door. "Y/N, baby, it's me. You're safe. I'm gonna open the door okay?" I waited a few seconds before slowly opening the door. I quickly stepped into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

"Y/N," I gasped when I saw her curled up into a ball. When she looked up at me, I saw blood on her lips and a bruise forming on her cheek. I kneeled down in front of her and gently cupped her cheek in my hand. I caught a tear with my thumb.

"You're okay, baby. He isn't going to hurt you anymore." I said, soothingly as I pulled her into my chest.

"Will you take me away from here?" Her voice broke causing my heart to do the same.

"As far as you wanna go," I smiled looking down at the beautiful girl in my arms.

"Promise?" She asked.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. "I promise to take you away for the rest of my life. I won't let anything happen to you. Ever again."

Authors note;
Hey beautiful readers! I have a new Jeremy Jordan book coming out soon called "Started With A Rumor". Check it out!

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