The New Girl-Jeremy Jordan

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Jeremy's POV

"I heard the new girl can get anything out of anyone." Mehcad laughed, reciting his lines.

"What do you mean?" I laughed.

"Meaning when she interviews someone, she always gets the truth. Even if the person isn't lying! I heard she got kicked off the force because she had uncontrollable anger issues."

"James that doesn't even make sense," I laughed. "Stop fangirling over this poor girl."

"Winn, even Alex is nervous about meeting this girl."

"What are you two talking about?" Melissa said, walking into the scene.

"The new girl Hank hired." Mehcad says laughing.

"James says that she is supposed to be this intimidating girl who even Alex is scared of," I sighed before walking to my desk.

"I'm sure she isn't that scary. And you guys shouldn't make judgments before you meet the girl. She could be super sweet," Melissa recited with a shrug.

Just then, one of the extras spilled the fake coffee on Y/F/N Y/L/N, the new actress Glen hired. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She shrieked, causing us to all look at her.

"I. . . I'm so sorry. . . I," the intern stuttered.

"I will give you approximately two seconds to get away from me. And if I ever see you again, I will spill boiling hot coffee into your pants so you can never have children. And if that doesn't work? I'll kick you so hard it'll hurt to even think about reproducing. Either way, you will never have kids." She smirked as the intern ran away.

"Yeah," Mehcad laughed. "The sweetest girl in the world."

"And cut!" Glen, our director yelled. I turned and saw Y/N walking over to the extra she just yelled at.

"Hi, good job on the scene. I'm sorry for what I said. My character is really mean and I think you are doing a great job." I couldn't help but feel surprised as she apologized.

"Wow," the extra gasped. "Umm. . . Thank you. . . For saying that. . . It means a lot." Y/N smiled before patting him on the shoulder and walking off set.

"Did the new girl just apologize for doing her job?"  Mehcad laughed.

"Yeah, I guess she did." I smiled.

"Someone has a crush on the new girl," Chyler said sing-songy as she joined us at the treat table.

"What? I barely know her." I stuttered. I looked to see Mehcad, Chyler, and Melissa smirking at me.

"Just go talk to her," Melissa sighed playfully pushing me. I gasped when I bumped into someone. I turned around and panicked when I saw it was Y/N and ironically enough she had a soda in her hand.

"Oh shit," I gasped. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to. . .I didn't make you spill did I? I swear, I am a super cluts. . . I am so sorry." I was cut off by her laughter.

"Breathe," she said putting her hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, I'm not going to threaten you with pouring an ice cold soda down your pants." Her smiled caused me to smile.

"I'm Y/N, by the way." She outstretched her hand for me to shake.

"Jeremy," I said shaking her hand.

"You know, I'm not an actual bitch." She said after a little bit. "I mean, I know my character is suppose to be this really scary chick that everyone is supposed to be afraid of, but that's not me."

"I know," I said with a slight laugh. "I saw you talking and apologizing to the extra earlier."



"The extra I yelled at. His name is Mark."

"See? You asked him his name. That just shows you aren't like your character." I smiled. "And I mean that as a compliment." I added quickly causing Y/N to laugh.

"Thanks Jeremy," she smiled before turning on her heal and walking away. As she left, one thought went through my head.

Maybe I did have a crush on the new girl.

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