Fire In The Warehouse- Winn Schott

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With aliens attacking National City, we needed the help of a few more vigilantes. I was currently typing on my laptop when I saw Barry walk into the room. I watched as he started pacing back and forth.

"Barry? You okay?" I asked as the door opened. I turned to see Oliver walking in. "What's going on with Barry? He's acting weird."

He looked at Barry and then looked over at me. Shrugging his shoulders, he walked over and sat next to me. "He is over reacting. He thinks Kara didn't get his message."

I sighed as I stood up and walked towards him. "Barry," I said standing in front of him, stopping him from pacing. "Honey, breathe." I watched as took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"It's just. . . What if Kara doesn't come? What if she doesn't come? We need the extra help, Y/N."

"Barry, everything is going to be fine. Since when has Kara ever let you down?"

"That's true," he said softly.

"Guys," we turned to see Cisco walk in. "Kara is here. She brought someone with her. Some IT guy." This made me freeze. Some IT guy?


I looked over to see Barry smirking at me. "Winn's here?" I said under my breath. "Did you?"

Barry just shrugged with a smirk. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." He walked towards the door, but stopped when he was next to me. "I know how much you've missed him."

After he left the room, I sighed as I followed him. When we walked into the other room, everyone was gathered in a small group.

"Kara! It's so good to see you," Barry said wrapping her in a hug.

"It's good to see you too!" She laughed as she hugged him back.

I hid in the back of the crowd as they talked. "Winn! How's it going, man?"

"Good! How about you, Scarlett Speedster?" I heard Winn laugh.

"Besides the fact that my Earth is under attack, great." Barry said sarcastically. I jumped when an alarm went off.

"Y/N, what is that?" Barry asked, causing everyone to look my way.

"Oh. . . It's umm. . . Well. . . " I stuttered. I ignored the fact that everyone was looking at me funny and walked over to the computers Felicity and I had set up. As I typed, I tried to ignore the fact that everyone still had their eyes on me.

"Y/N?" Barry asked, making me look up from the screen.

"Oh ummm. . ." I looked back down as I quickly said, "It's just the algorithm I created with the blood sample we collected last time."

"The what sample?" Oliver asked.

"The blood sample I collected when Barry and I were attacked by one a few days ago," I said quickly still typing. I looked up and bit my lip when I noticed everyone looking at me funny. "I just umm. . . It's not as weird as it sounds," I said slowly.

"What's the algorithm you created?" Winn asked.

"Well, since alien blood contains different chemicals and metals than ours, I can use my algorithm to find it." I said as I went back to the two things I did best: typing and avoiding eye contact.

"Wait, you created an algorthim that can find people based on our blood type?" I looked up to see everyone looking at me kind of weird. Well, weirder than they already have been. I opened and closed my mouth unsure of what to say.

"She actually created it when we were looking for a meta who was able to multiply himself. It actually was super helpful. Before her algorithm, we were really struggling to find him. But with it. . . It's sounds a lot weirder out of context." Barry said coming to my rescue.

"That's not weird," Winn said pulling a chair over and sitting next to me. I felt my heart speed up as he watched me type from over my shoulder. "I think that's pretty legit," he laughed.

"Y/N, if your algorithm went off, does that mean one is here?" Cisco asked.

"That's what's weird," I mumbled. "The algorithm went off, but. . ." I didn't finish my thought.

"What about the perimeter sensors Barry put around the warehouse?" Caitlin asked.

"It isn't showing up on those either. It's almost like it is disguising itself from them. . ." There was a loud crash making everyone duck.

"I think I found it, Y/N." Oliver said looking over at me.

"I guess I need to readjust the algorithm. Or maybe the sensors." I mumbled to myself as Oliver, Barry, and Kara started getting ready for a fight.

Before anyone knew what was happening, half of the warehouse was on fire. I ignored the flames as I was still trying to figure out what was wrong with my algorithm. I looked up to see two more aliens appear.

"Y/N! We gotta go!" Winn yelled as he began to run towards me. Before I could respond another explosion bounced off the warehouse walls, causing me to be thrown from my chair and against the back wall.

I groaned as I heard the fighting continue. I tried to sit up but gasped in pain. "Y/N!" I looked up to see Winn running towards me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded slowly as he helped me sit up. "We have to get out of here," he said as he helped me stand. Another crash caused Winn to pull me into his chest, covering me. "Like now," he added.

"We can't. We have to help," I gasped in pain as Winn scanned the room.

"It looks like almost everyone is already out. You head for the door, I'll make sure we aren't missing anyone."

"But Winn," I said, grabbing his arm making him stop. I gasped when he pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips to mine.

"Y/N, go." He said turning on his heel and running away. After I had snapped out of the daze that his kiss had put me in, I ran towards the door. I was almost there but jumped when a piece of the ceiling fell in front of me, almost crushing me.

"Y/N! Are you okay? We gotta get out of here!" Oliver yelled as he pulled Felicity towards the door.

"Wait," I said causing him to stop.

"What are you doing? We gotta go!" He urged.

"No! Winn is still somewhere in the warehouse. I am not going to leave him." Before he could stop me I turned and ran back the way we came.

Winn's POV

I could feel my lugs full of smoke as I finally made my way outside. I felt myself relax as I recognized the smoke-covered faces of my friends. Kara, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Mr. Diggle, Thea, Oliver, Felicity. Everyone was here.

Everyone except. . .


Part 2 coming soon!

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