Sickentine's Day- Jeremy Jordan

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I woke up with a pounding headache. I tried to sit up but ended up having a coughing attack. I turned onto my side, coughing into my pillow in hopes I didn't wake up Jeremy.


Dang it.

"Honey? Are you okay?" I felt the bed shift as he leaned up onto his elbow and started gently rubbing my shoulder.

"I'm fine." As if on cue, I went into another coughing attack.

"No you're not," he sighed as he ran his fingers through my hair. He sat up and helped me do the same. He added another pillow behind my head before gently putting his hand on my forehead. "Y/N, baby, you are burning up."

"How can I be cold and hot at the same time?" I said as my head started to spin slightly.

"That would be your fever," he laughed slightly. I watched as he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. He went through the medicine cabinet and came back with some DayQuil. "Take this," he said as he grabbed my water bottle that was on my bedside table. "This will help with your fever and your cough. It is drowsy so you're going to have to call in sick to work. Actually I will call your boss. On my way home from set I'll run by the pharmacy and get some more medicine for you."

"Jeremy," I sighed.

"Maybe I can take a half day so I can come home and take care of you. That way you aren't alone for too long. But if you need something, anything, you just give me a call and I'll run here if I have too." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"I'm sorry," I said softly.

"Sorry for what?" He asked as he gently cupped my cheek in his hand.

"I'm sorry for being sick. . .on Valentine's Day," I chuckled sadly. The chuckle soon turned into a cough.

Jeremy sat on the edge of the bed and reached over, intertwining our fingers. "Don't apologize for being sick. It happens. Besides, Valentine's Day is a holiday for dating couples. You know the ones? The ones we make fun of whenever we go out. Anniversaries are more for married couples. Besides, I'd rather sit at home watching movies and eating take out then go out to some overly expensive restaurant where each one of us is wearing fancy clothes that are way too uncomfortable." This made the both of us laugh.

"Get some rest," he said as he helped me lay back down. I started to drift off to sleep as Jeremy quietly walked around the room, getting ready for work.

"I love you. Call me if you need anything." Before he left, I felt him kiss my forehead.

I woke up a few hours later to a quiet apartment. I slowly sat up and reached for my phone. When I unplugged it, I saw several texts from Jeremy.

9:12 am; Hey baby. You're probably still asleep. Text me when you wake up. I love you

10:26 am; I hope you're feeling better. Text me when you wake up. I love you.

11:04 am; I am so bored. We aren't even doing any scenes where I am actually in it. I wish I could've called in sick so I could spend all day in bed with you. I love you.

11:04 am; I didn't mean like in bed. I meant like sleeping. . . Geez, I'm even awkward when texting you. I love you.

11:58 am; Okay, it's almost noon and you still haven't texted me. I guess those drugs are super drowsy. Please let me know when you wake up.  I love you.

I smiled as I clicked on his contact. "Y/N, oh thank goodness! I was starting to get worried. How are you feeling? Are you okay? Are you nauseous? Light-headed? How's your fever? Do you need me to come home?"

"Jeremy, honey, breathe. The medicine you gave me this morning has helped. I was just calling you so you wouldn't have a heart attack."

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm just worried about you. I hate being here at work when you are sick at home. It makes me feel awful. It makes me feel like a terrible husband."

"Jeremy, stop it. You are an amazing husband. You have taken care of me since the day we met. Don't you remember the week after our first date? I had one of the worse days at work ever. I was late, my boss yelled at me, my car got booted, that jerk Anthony kept bothering me and I spilled hot coffee over my white blouse. You called me at lunch and I ended up telling you everything, sobbing. You rushed over and even took me home. You spent the rest of the day making me feel better. We fell asleep on the couch watching Netflix. You have taken care of me ever since and I have never doubted that you will care for me the rest of my life. You are an amazing husband. I love you."

It was silent for a second before I heard Jeremy let out a small chuckle. "I remember before we left that day, you went to the bathroom to clean up so I went over to Anthony's desk and threatened him."

"That explains why he suddenly started being super nice to me," I said with a small laugh.

"It's just. . . I love you, Y/N. And I want to take care of you."

"I love you too Jeremy. And you do take care of me. You take great care of me. Why do you think my dad was so okay with me moving all the way out here with you? It's because he knew I had a man who loved me and would take great care of me."

After a few more seconds of silence, Jeremy sighed. "I know you aren't feeling well so why don't I pick up some Chinese food on my way home? We can eat it and then snuggle on the couch and watch movies until you fall asleep?"

"That sounds like the perfect Valentine's Day."

A/N: Did you guys get the title? Valentine +sick? Ha ha ha ha no? Okay. . . Sorry, I hate Valentine's day. It makes me weird. . . Am I the only one?  I am?. . . Okay. . . Anyway. . . (Please don't hate me because I'm awkward).

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