Chapter 1

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There are very few things interesting about me. One of them is the fact that I am a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and have been stuck in Germany for the past year because my sister had told me something was going to happen here. But nothing has. Another would possibly be my past but that is a story for another time.

Life is pretty simple here, which is nice since I haven't really ever had that. S.H.I.E.L.D. has provided me with schooling since I am only around the fourth-grade level based on my age, which I still don't understand fully. According to the documentation I found on myself, I am eleven years old in human years, which may be hard for you to comprehend since I have been through so much as a child. About a year ago, I escaped Haroly after being tortured for all my life, met Thor and Loki in Asgard, and lost my sister.

But like I said, life is pretty simple here. I am currently sitting at a bench watching as children play tag at a park and men and women walk into a museum, there must be some sort of art show going on. A cool breeze weaves its way through the buildings, causing a chill to go up and down my back. I pull my leather jacket tighter around my body and regret wearing leggings instead of jeans.

I know what you're thinking, why is a little girl in the park alone? Well, to start off I am not a little girl. I have abilities that protect me. And another, I'm never alone. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents follow me wherever I go because of the events of Chicago. The only reason I know about them is that I can feel their presence and when I addressed this with Fury, he explained to me that this was for 'precaution' since I had lost control of my abilities.

My earbuds blast music in my ears as I watch the people around me. Two elderly men sit at a table and play chess, while a couple kisses at a fountain. I smile at the thought of living a normal life. Of growing up, finding someone to spend the rest of my life with. Or even living a normal life for a little while. The thought puts a smile to my lips and I look down at the shuffle Coulson had given to me for my birthday.

I bob my head to the Classic Rock Eighties playlist Coulson had put together for me. I will admit that since being in Germany, I have learned a lot more about music and that there are so many different types of it. My bag lays open by my feet with unfinished homework staring up at me, but I ignore it. I need to just breath in the fresh air tonight and just take the night off from all the training and fighting and homework. Just a break from S.H.I.E.L.D..

My eyes close and I take in a deep breath. Allowing myself to feel the world around me. From the mist from the fountain to the rough material in my combat boots to the music overtaking my sense of sound. My body relaxes and I open my eyes to find a different scene than the one I had left.

People sprint past me and away from the museum and I leap up to get a better look at the museum entrance. Men and Women in elegant clothing run across the street, my hands pull out the earbuds and the music gets replaced by screams. I quickly reach into my backpack and grab my mask before taking off across the street.

My small body weaves its way through the screaming crowd and I come up to the entrance when a large hand grabs onto my arm and pulls me away. I scream and try to pull away from the man, but I don't release all my strength onto him. He begins to speak in a language I have not learned yet and I say the few words I do.

"Ich verstehe nicht, Ich verstehe nicht." 'I don't understand' I say the best I could but the man continues. He pulls me as he begins to run but stops when a man in green and gold appears out of nowhere, but before I can get a good look at him the man then pulls me in another direction but once again we are stopped by the green-clothed man, he's holding a large scepter and a large helmet. The man pulls me back to the center of the crowd. I try to see who it is that is attacking us but I can't, I'm too short.

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