Chapter 83

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I hand out the pamphlets to each of the guests. Most of them send me a look but I keep a smile on my face, for Tony and Pepper's sake. Rhodey and Happy greeted me. They both sent me a sad smile before going to take pictures.

It is a beautiful wedding. Everything is perfect. But my mind does not remain on that topic. It lingers to the thought of when we will be seeing the Mobius strip appear. As Loki said, it could be anytime. Days, weeks, years. I just wonder when destiny will arrive. When we will be able to live off the rest of our days in peace not having to worry about another attack with or for the Infinity Stones.

The Infinity Stones are atoms and my abilities are reduced, so could it possibly mean I won't have to be an Avenger anymore? The thought turns and flips my stomach at the same time. I could live a normal life, and if it all works, spend it making a family and taking Evan to experience the world.

I hand a pamphlet out and look down. Everyone should be here, especially those who are alive. This is a time where we all have to stick together and remain there for each other. It's a time where we have to have each other's back and have a shoulder to cry on. To have a dog to talk to when feeling down.

A woman and a man smile over at me but I don't offer one back. I broke eye contact with them and place the pamphlet down on a table. I can't do this. This is all too much for me. Everyone giving me looks of failing, of not bringing everyone back. My footsteps are the only things I can focus on.

I find myself further along by the lake. The photographer is directing Tony and Pepper into poses on a deck a little down the bank. My shoes sit next to me and a flat stone rubs against my palm. The ripples from the previous stone reach the wave as it ripples its way between my toes in the sand. I throw the rock and watch as it rises and falls into and out of the water. Just like life should be. But mine isn't.

Mine just seems to be a stone continuously sinking into the bottom of the lake. Never rising and never going up when hitting rock bottom. Always finding a way to keep going down.

Someone sighs as they sit down next to me. Another stone rests in my palm and I look over at Tony. His eyes show excitement yet he keeps his face neutral.

"I saw you come over here," he says, my gaze flows to my arms which are marked by fading scars from my past. "And if you don't mind me asking, why did you?"

"I'm sorry," I can't think of anything else to say. Of course now everything begins to catch up on me. Of course now is the moment I have to act up like this. "This was supposed to be your day and here I am acting up at the worst times as always."

Tony sighs and throws a rock out into the lake. "Grace, you can't keep holding things in like you do. You never act up, you just hold things in and that is not healthy. You..."

"Tony, this is your day," I take a deep breath and rise from the sand. My hands brush off the pieces and I offer him my hand to lift him. He takes it. "Let's worry about this another time."

Before he could respond I go over to Pepper to take pictures. She smiles at me, making it clear that she knows something is up and giving me that look that says we will be discussing this later.

Finally, the time had come. Everyone in the crowd stands as the music begins to play. The sun casts a glow across her skin, she's stunning. I imagine getting married one day, settling down with someone and living in a place like this. No responsibilities. No villains. Just me, him, and our family.

I look over at Tony and tears stream down his cheeks. His gaze does not leave her, it travels up and down and lingers on her face. I could feel the warmth in my chest spread. It takes me a moment to realize I'm feeling what he is. The warmth stays beneath my skin but it is nothing compared to what the connection with Tony is showing me.

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