Chapter 2

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A presence flows into my mind and I glance up at Loki because he was the only one with the ability to do so. A smirk is plastered on his face and his green eyes seem to pierce brighter than before.

'You look quite foolish with that scrap of fabric over your eyes,' his voice echoes in my mind. Even his voice is smooth in my mind. I don't respond as I try to remember how to block him out of my mind. 'Why do you wear it?'

I can see the curiosity twinkling in his eyes but it quickly diminishes with my response.

'Reasons,' I respond, the only reason I don't want to explain it to him is that he will surely do the opposite of what I want.

'Well, you don't make yourself look very intimidating with that on. I wouldn't worry about you being my arch-nemesis if you wore that foolish thing you call a uniform.' His voice echoes. The thought of him trying to intimidate me causes me to laugh out loud and I take out my earbuds.

My laughs fill the quietness of the ship and out of the corner of my eye, Steve and Stark turn to Ms. Romanoff.

"Why is she laughing like some kind of psycho?" I hear Stark ask.

"She can read your mind and say things to you in your mind." Ms. Romanoff waves them off. They both turn back to look at me. I stop laughing when I hear a loud clap come from outside of the window. "Where is this coming from?" Ms. Romanoff mumbles to herself. I stop laughing and look Loki dead in the eye.

"I'm not the one you have to worry about," he looks up in the aircraft, his expression no longer cocky. Worry fills his eyes and Steve scoffs.

"What's the matter? Are you scared of a little lightning." Steve scoffs.

Loki looks absolutely terrified. I smirk at him.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." He says and a thud jolts the ship. A smile spreads across my lips as Stark opens the hatch to the ship before putting on the helmet. As expected, Thor jumps down and the two of us make brief eye contact before I leap over the edge. Lightning crackles around me, causing my hairs to raise on my arms. Giggles escape my mouth from the sensation of free falling. I twist my body around and land on top of a hill.

Two figures fly over my head and land on another mountain. I jog my way over, thinking about how earlier this day I was wondering what life would bring my way or if my sister was right about where she sent me. This was truly a slap in the face to prove to me that she was correct.

I finally begin to make my way up their mountain and I can hear their voices from down here, despite the fact that they are gods and the mountain is not very large they are still being very loud. I creep behind a bolder and peek around, Thor grabs onto Loki and gently makes his brother face him.

"Not here. You give up the Tesseract. You give up this poisonous dream!" Thor grabs his neck gently and looks him in the eyes. "You come home."

Loki has been away from Asgard? I mean that does explain the fact the reason for Loki looking like this. I mean he has also always been jealous of Thor, I saw it when I was in Asgard but I didn't realize his ambition would draw him to madness.

"I don't have it," Loki scoffs which only brings anger to Thor's eyes. Mjolnir flies to his hand and Thor prepares to swing it. "You need the Cube to bring me home but I've sent it off I know not where."

"You listen well, brother," Thor points Mjolnir at him, "I-"

A streak of gold and read pushes Thor off the mountain and down into the forest thicket below. Chuckles escape my lips and Loki looks over at me.

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