Chapter 50

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Natasha pulls me under the desk. The building shakes as the room is engulfed in flames and smoke. Screams erupt all around us as we quickly get up to run to those who need help. I look over to where the podium was and instantly regret it. T'Challa is sobbing while rocking his father's body in his arms. Nat grabs my arm and brings me back to the present, reminding of how much these people need help.

I run over to one of the European ministers and help them up when I see that her leg has a shard of glass inside it. I take in all her weight as I guide her down the stairs and out to an ambulance. Two paramedics take her from me and three police officers come up to me and guide me out of the 'danger.'

Natasha comes over to me after helping another ruler to the paramedics. She sits down next to me on the bench and pulls me close.

"Are you ok?" I ask and she nods when she looks down at me.


"I just... it was just unexpected. I thought this place would be heavily guarded," I say. "And it just seems like we never get a break or a vacation from this. Whenever something calms down, another thing is thrown at us. It's this endless cycle that never ends."

"I know, Grace, I know." Her phone rings and she picks it up. "Yeah... Uh, yeah thanks, I got... We got lucky." She looks around before getting up. "I know how much Barnes means to you, I really do, but stay home. You'll only make this worse for all of us. Please. No, no of course not. Someone will if you interfere that's how it works now... Why?"

"Who was that?" I ask her, she looks pissed before sitting back down next to me.

"That was Steve about to do something stupid," She says and takes something out of her pocket. "Here take this," it was a comm, she hands it to me and I place it in my ear, "in case they need back up so you could take care of this mess."

"What about you?" I ask.

"I have to stay here and help with a few things," she says nodding to T'Challa who is walking over to us. I nod and get up making my way down the street to the hotel so I could change. I run in and sprint up the stairs, going two up at a time and run into our room. I grab a pair of workout leggings and a black tank top and throw them on. Changing my heels to gym shoes and run up to the roof.

"Natasha, could really use some back up on this one," Rhodey's voice comes on through the comm and I press my finger to it.

"Hey, surprise, this isn't Natasha, it's Grace," I say and I hear a chuckle come from the other end.

"Grace, thank God, this couldn't've been better," he says, "I could use some back up for this."

"Yep," I say, "how long do you think you'll be because I kind of have a curfew."

"So, I take it Tony told you?" He asks and I simply say a 'yep' before he continues, "I'll be there in twenty minutes tops. So while I'm doing all this flying, tell me what happened."

I walk back and forth on the roof reciting everything that happened except for me being a smart mouth. Rhodey actually listened to me and pointed out a few of the flaws and what actually would've happened if there were certain variables fixed. Such as the fact that the security should have checked on everything and not have taken anything for granted.

"Alright Grace, I'm coming in hot," he says and I look up to see him coming down to the roof "Going to need you to jump."

"Ok," I say, "will you catch me."

"Of course," He says but I could hear the smile in his voice. "Alright now, Grace!"

"Don't really trust you with that but ok," I say and jump off the roof. Two hands grab my arms as we fly over to Romania. We begin to go higher and faster. Every time I look down, my stomach dips a little and my limbs become wobbly.

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