Chapter 86

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Before I could say anything else, Tony walks into the room. Loki immediately turns around in his chair as a clipboard appears in his hand. He fans through the notes and I send him a look on his appearance but he just winks at me.

"Hey, doc," Tony walks over to my bedside and crosses his arms. "So you're awake."

"So you're a dad," I respond snarkily. His eyes sparkle at the last word and I can't help but smile at the way he has finally found his second chance. I can't wait to meet them, I don't want to use my abilities to find out what it is. I want to find something like this out like a normal human being. When I was younger, I would find many things out with my abilities. What people thought of me, what surprises each of them had in mind for me, or when I wanted to know the answers to a test. I always used them for my advantage and I always blamed others for me not feeling human when it was just me making that impression.

"Do you want to meet her?" He clasps his hands together and a smile courses its way onto his lips, it is good to see him like this. Having at least a fraction of hope that he could move on from the battle we lost. My eyes flick to Loki's and smile courses on his lips and he nods his head. Tony turns his head to him and Loki clears his throat.

"She can walk," he says looking between the two of us, "she may need some help, though. Her balance may be unstable."

I scoff at this and roll my eyes. There's no way in hell I will get help to walk down the hall, I can do this on my own. My arm pulls the blanket off my body and I realize in horror that I am in a hospital gown. The blankets re-cacoon me in. My hands shake at the thought of the two of them seeing anything. Of course, Loki has a smirk on his lips and he tries to cover it up with a laugh. Tony turned his attention to the window, clearly uncomfortable.

"Can someone get me some clothes?" I ask and Tony was the first to volunteer to go. Loki chuckles once he was out the door and I throw a pillow at him. "Loki, that is not funny!"

I can't help but laugh now. I have never done anything embarrassing like that in my life. Loki's hands grasp onto mine and he smiles at me. The relief flooding over his face and he squeezes my hand to show me that we will talk later. Tony returns and we let go, pretending to study something else, I stare out the window and Loki rolls to the computer.

"Here you go," he places them on the bed. I smile at him to show my gratitude and he winks in return. "Alright, doc, why don't we go talk in the hallway."

Loki's face pales and he walks out the door with Tony, who claps him on the shoulder before closing the door. I am slightly terrified of what he is going to talk with him about since it is a completely different situation compared to me and Peter. He figured it out that Peter and I were together, what if he figured out that Loki and I are together?

I swing my legs over the bed and quickly change into them, in other words, moved as quickly as I can without having a wave of dizziness crash over me. Tony brought me a pair of grey sweat pants and a white tank top and bra. I smile at the simplicity of it and how normal it feels on my body. My fingers run through my hair in an attempt to fix it and I sigh at the reflection.

I pad my way to the door and open it. Tony and Loki stop their discussion and I notice his eyes are shining a brighter green. He must be showing Tony a different depiction of himself. I smile at the two of them before making my way down the hallway.

My hands wring each other out and my mouth dries; I do not understand why I am so nervous. I've never been this nervous when I am meeting new people. The pictures create color on the beige walls and the padding of my feet create noise that cancels out the beeping of all the rooms. The signs outside the rooms read the names and I enter the one that says 'Stark.'

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