Chapter 82

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The wedding is a dark purple and white themed, I don't truly understand why Tony had chosen this theme because it is a little dark for the occasion. The chairs and aisle are set, it's an outdoor wedding at their house. The stage overlooks the lake creating the intricate view of the colorful leaves that show Fall is coming.

It is late September and guests are going to arrive in the next few hours. Not many people were invited, only close family and friends. Rhodey is the only Avenger who was asked to come, he stands as Tony's best man with Happy as his second. Pepper had chosen two of her close friends and had asked me to create a speech for the wedding since they wanted to include me in it.

The slip of paper with my messy cursive stays folded in my hand as I walk down the aisle, gazing at the beautiful decorations. I wasn't ready yet for the bridesmaids taken over our bathrooms and I was just waiting for them to finish. It's strange how fast we are trying to move on, even though I had suggested it the whole thing seems off.

The world is silent, there were no more riots once everyone had calmed down from the shock and fear. It has been eerily quiet, though. Tony described it as the time after nine-eleven. The United States stayed hushed for a week, not truly knowing what to do or who to trust. One major difference between then and now is that it has been over five months. The thought of having it remain like this until we fix it sends a chill up and down my spine.

My hand grazes over the purple flowers when I hear a laugh behind me. I twist to find one of the bridesmaids smiling at something the other had said. The sound warms my chest. It had been too long since there was laughter in the air. It has been too long for the silence lingering on the world.

The mint green dress laces its way down to my knees. A small bow wrapped its way around my stomach pulling it together. My long hair weaves its way down in a braid and silver heels make me taller than Tony. I don't wear any jewelry, not even my Valiant necklace, and keep the makeup on my face simple and natural.

I continue to find myself thinking back to Loki, how he is still alive and why he contacted me of all people. My hands shake at the thought of him choosing me. Why do I keep on acting this way whenever the thought of him crosses my mind? It's been too long since I've seen him and we need to get into contact to talk about some things. The heat rises to my cheeks and I know what this means.

"Oh no," I mumble to myself. How could I be crushing on someone like him?

A knock sounds at the door but begins to echo as my vision gives out to black. The scene shifts to a graveyard with blank headstones, two crows land on a stone shaped like a cross. Both tilt their heads at me and one has a reddish tint to it, it was truly beautiful. I walk toward it and reach my hand out to it, but before my fingers can brush the feathers the scene changes.

Bookshelves line the wall and a large table sits at the center, lounge chairs surround it. As I make my way closer to it I realize it must be a projector for there is a screen instead. I walk around it and study it; no buttons, no switch to turn it on, nothing.

Footsteps echo down the hallway and Loki appears. A smile plays at his lips when his gaze lands on my face. It has been almost five months since I've heard from him and I'm not happy it has been that long.

"Expecting me back so soon?" He questions. The smile still plays on his lips as I cross my arms and redirect my attention to the table. The screen remains blank. It takes all my might to not stare at his eyes.

"What is the point of this?" I gesture to it. Loki just sighs and leans against the table.

"It is the only warning we will get," I think back to the crows and wonder what the red could mean. Could it represent one of our suits or could it be a characteristic each of us has? The other crow could be any of us though.

The Valiant (The Seventh Avenger)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant