Chapter 91

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"You're dead," Tony, whose face is missing all of its blood, stares wide-eyed at the god of mischief. "Grace get out of my head." His eyes won't leave Loki and I have to stifle a laugh. I opened the portal in front of Tony and promised that that was the last time I would use my abilities unless it was necessary and the rings are a necessity to hide. Now that I am hiding two rings from everyone, I find the energy in my body beginning to drain.

"I'm not in your head," I mumble and rub at my temples to calm my head. "He's alive and real."

Tony takes a bite from his Stark Raving Hazelnuts ice cream and leaves the spoon in his mouth as he studies Loki. And his eyes furrow. I made sure there was enough distance between the two of us so I don't understand why he would be sending this look to the two of us.

"Why don't we have a drink?" Loki asks clasping his hands together. He raises his arm, "After you." I smile at him and walk towards the bar, I can basically feel the glare Tony sends Loki and me.

"So let me get this straight," Tony pinches the bridge of his nose, "Green Bean over here has been alive for the past five years and the two of you were in contact." Loki and I share a look before nodding our heads. "And why are you telling me this now?" He asks me.

"We need him now." I simply reply even though that is only a fraction of the truth. "He could help us complete the mission." The gears turn in his mind as he considers everything.

"Grace, he's not one of us," Tony sighs gesturing towards him.

"Correction: He wasn't one of us," I state plainly. "He's on our side and has every reason to help us. He lost his people, his home. He wants to fight and he wants to be one of us now." I pray to my brothers and sisters that my words work and that they made somewhat sense to him. Just like the time travel thing we have going, I have only one shot at this.

"Grace, hun, listen, I get that you guys have been talking for a while but how do we know that he's not in your head? It won't be the first time he's gotten into any of our heads," He leans towards me but keeps an eye on Loki. I allow a faint spark of yellow to appear in my eyes to show it is me.

"I understand your concerns, but it is me. I am saying all of this and I know you may not trust him and you probably never will but trust me. Please." I beg. I beg because I need this to work, because I know this will help us win. Loki is a huge part in us succeeding in the end and I need Tony to believe me.

"Hey Tony, we got Thor and oh my stars," Steve stumbles in and goes into a defensive position against Loki. I immediately stand between them and put my arm out to Steve.

"Smooth your moobs Cap, he's on our side," I quickly say.

"Moobs?" Steve questions and I roll my eyes.

"'Man boobs,'" I exaggerate my fingers into quotation marks to show it's just an expression. Tony scoffs behind me.

"You really trust him, Grace?" Tony questions and I turn my full attention back to him so he could see the desperation and assurance in my eyes.

"Tony, I've thought this through hundreds of times now, I really do trust him," I softly let the words escape my lips. I can't tell them why just yet but they will know... eventually. Tony and Steve share a look before Steve gives a small nod but he keeps his gaze on Loki.

"Alright, alright. Fine, but he is your responsibility," Tony points between the two of us and a smile purses on my lips, everything coming to play the way it is meant to be. I nod my head and try to hide my excitement but it is clearly not working because Steve and Tony send my looks.

"So, Steve what was it you were saying about Thor and...?" I ask trying to change the subject as quickly as possible. Tony sends me one last look before turning his attention to Steve.

"Thor and Clint are back and well you will just have to come see for yourself."

I share a glance with everyone and follow Steve out the door. I worry about what will be waiting for us.

When we step out into the main part of the building I freeze at the sight, causing Loki to bump into me. He mutters a "sorry" before stepping a few steps back. Long, matted hair faces away from me and I knew who it was the moment I heard his voice.

"Thor?" I question and he turns around. It's no longer the Thor I remember from all those years ago, he looks different and it's not the best different. Sunglasses cover his eyes and a large, blue sweatshirt covers his thicc body. I attempt to cover my surprise with a smile but it does not work. He opens a beer can before he turns completely around and it drops to the floor.

"Loki?" He slowly says his name and I step back to let Thor see his brother. Rocket stopped his work and himself, Nat, and Clint look with their mouths agape at the god. My chest warms at the tears streaming down his cheeks and into his beard.

"How long have you known about him?" Nat asks pulling me aside and gesturing to Loki. A glint can be seen in her eyes and I stop myself just in time from rolling my eyes. I glance down at my shoes and tap them between each other.

"Since basically the beginning," I mumble and she sends me a look but I ignore it and look at Clint. His words still echo in my mind from when his family vanished. Before I knew it, I embraced him into a hug. I feel everything he feels and my knees wobble, I take it all in, though. His arms hold me up and I sob into his chest.

"Look at you, Grace," he says breaking apart, "you've grown up." I wipe the tears and feel empty, none of the emotions within me anymore. I nod my head and offer a smile.

"It has been too long, Clint," I croak and a sad smile courses on his lips, but like mine they don't reach his eyes.

I turned around to find Thor and Loki connected in a hug. Both with tears streaming down their face and soft sobs escaping their lips.

"I thought you were dead," Thor whispers between hiccups of breath. A smile flickers on Loki's lips when he rests his head on his brother's shoulder.

"I thought I was too," he mumbled and I tilt my head at this. He never told me he thought that but maybe I just was never meant to know. The look on their faces can show how much they love each other, the tears on their cheeks show how much they missed each other, and the way they hold each other shows how much they need the other.

"Drifting left. On the side there, Lebowski. Didn't mean to ruin the moment with you and Green Giant there," Tony says pulling a piece of the machine. "Ratchet, how's it going?"

"It's Rocket. Take it easy, you're only a genius on Earth, pal." His voice comes from the time machine and Tony nods at that. Thor, now cracking open another one since the other one spilled, burps and waves his hands out.

"Hey, Loki, I have to handle some things, do you want to catch up with your brother?" I ask and Loki nods, a sparkle in his eyes. Thor wraps his arm around Loki once more and I walk out of the room.

"Alright, Clint we're going in 3-2-1," Banner turns to Clint and presses many buttons. A helmet similar to Ant Man's, but white and red, appears on Clint's head and he goes quantum. My breath hitches in my throat and a wave of dizziness crosses over me. Cold hands lock onto my sides to steady my swaying.

"Grace, are you alright?" Someone questions and I nod and swallow the bile rising in my throat.

"And returning in 3-2-1," the noise of Clint returning ceases the waves and the silence in the room brings me to open my eyes and my heart skips a beat at the sight.

"What? You didn't see that coming?" Pietro questions.

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