Chapter 101

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A galaxy spirals in front of me each star showing playback of my life. All the laughs and tears and missions and parties and dances. I smile at everything that made me... me. So much of my life I have forgotten and memories I could never overlook. It's all so beautiful.

"It's going to be hard," Banner looks down at the table, not making eye contact with anyone, "to not answer the call..."

"That's what she said," I pipe in pointing the spoon for the sour cream at him and laughter erupts around me. It sounds good, it reminds me back to the party all those years ago. The one before Ultron. What was it? Eight?

"I don't... get the joke," Banner mumbles and we all burst into another fit of laughter.

The stars twirl their way around me, dancing to the sound of laughter and cheers. Giggles escape my lips as I spin looking back at my life. So many wonderful moments that made my life worth living a million times, reminding me of every little thing that helped me become the person I was and forever will be remembered as.

"I need to ask you something," I finish the sentence in my head: Do you want to break up? He stops, lifts off the bed and lowers to one knee. A box shakes in his quaking hands and my heart pounds for other reasons now. Is this really happening? Tears of relief and joy begin to roll down my cheeks and I stifle a sob and a laugh in the palm of my hand. "Will you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me?"

I smile and can't help but giggle, "Yes!" I exclaim. I leap off the bed and wrap my arms around his neck and connect our lips. He takes my hand and slides the ring onto my finger, the feeling of being his forever makes my chest warm.

My face burns from the memory; I twist the ring around my finger and smile at the image of Loki and me hugging. The star drifts away and back into the cluster, causing all the memories to slowly flow their way towards me. Each scene within reverberates chills throughout me. I reach out my hand and let the warmth from the star caress my skin, lingering on the scene for a moment, remembering how safe I felt at this time.

I watch as Tony and Pepper embrace me into their arms, Fury smiling at us before I get in the car to be taken to my home for the next four years. This was the moment I realized do have a family, I realized I had a purpose in life and it was to live. Sure, at times it didn't feel like I was experiencing and relishing it, but moments like these showed me a glimpse of how wonderful it could be.

The pulsar shimmers when my fingers shimmy against it, the scene fades out and is replaced by one of me finding Evan or, more like it was, him finding me. We both face each other and our designs on our wrists shine bright. I rub at mine and look down to find them gone. My thumb caresses where it used to be and oddly enough a smile actually begins to form on my lips. He is going to be okay and be able to live a long and happy life.

The star gleams once more before shifting between four different instants. The first brought me back to 2012, all seven of us stand in a circle in the middle of New York City. The Hulk roars as Tony descends to the ground, Hawkeye knocks an arrow and Thor twirls Mjolnir in his hand before Natasha reloads her gun. Steve readies his shield and flames burst at my sides as we all gaze at the Chituari, getting ready for the battle that was about to come.

I can't believe how long ago this was, how young we all were and how much we have grown as a team.

It moves onto when we faced Ultron. Pietro, Wanda, Clint, Nat, Tony, Bruce, Thor, Steve, and I work together to protect the core. All of us working together in some way to keep the bots from touching it and sending the city down to Earth, it was so surreal. I can't believe I nearly forgot about that. Being an Avenger really did bring out the best in life and I don't know where I would be if I wasn't one.

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